Sonar+D – a daytime extension of Sónar Lisboa 2022 – is a conference dedicated to creative technologies that gathers conferences, exhibitions, and AV shows.
Starting today, the programme will feature a collaboration of researchers, scientists, and artists from different digital fields, exploring creativity as one of the leading forces transforming reality in the 21st Century.
The central idea revolves around Sustainability and Human Rights. From there, three sub-themes unfold: Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms; the Intersections of Art, Science, Ecology, Sustainability and Climate Change; and Creative Technologies and Digital Economy: from Metaverse to Web3.

Some of the featured speakers are:
• Bas Grasmayer, leader of the community platform COLORS and founder of Music x, which addresses, among other things, NFTs in the context of the constantly evolving web3;
• Canadian DJ and producer Jayda G, whose background in Environmental Toxicology allows for an in-depth analysis of the music/sustainability dichotomy;
• artist Tupac Mártir, founder of the renowned multidisciplinary Satore Studio, which uses cutting-edge technologies to create immersive experiences for brands, tracks, stages and audiences around the world and whose latest work takes on medical neuroscience technology to materialize pioneering visual work; and researcher, and
• biologist Filipa Bessa, winner of the United Nations Oceans Day Oceanic Photo Competition in 2018, specializes in marine plastic pollution and the effects of human activities on marine and coastal ecosystems.
Opening the Sónar+D Conferences are • artist Trevor Paglen and academic Kate Crawford, leading figures in researching and disseminating artificial intelligence's social and political implications, who will explore current issues in AI (Artificial Intelligence) and politics of new technologies.
Climate change, natural resources conservation, artificial intelligence and its ethical implications, misinformation, algorithms, and the media are also brought together at the Sónar+D Exhibitions shown in multiple parts of Fábrica Lisboa.
The festival welcomes many options during the three days, justifying more than one visit. The immersive sound art “Nati Infiniti”, curated by Joana Seguro and authored by the musician Alessandro Cortini (known for his work in Nine Inch Nails), will bring to life the perfectly preserved machinery found in the different floors of the Moagem building.
Sonar+D will showcase works specially conceived for the festival, a commission of three Portuguese artists:
• Induced Theorems & Worldly Conjectures or How To Get Trapped in a Loop by André Gonçalves - musician, visual artist, and graphic designer – who converts loop (a building block of electronic music production) into mechanical sculptures as a reflection of the sometimes-wasteful nature of technology;
• Casulo - Still Free by the painter Francisco Vidal, surrounds the audience with a bold and colourful universe, using VR technology; and
• Wetland by Cláudia Martinho, presenting an immersive listening experience of the Tagus river wetland ecosystem, the most important in Portugal, a natural sanctuary for migratory birds, threatened by the construction plan of a new airport, which could destroy the delicate balance of one of the most important ecosystems in Europe.
The ten digital pieces by international and Portuguese artists, the large-scale installation by Artworks and the artistic collective based in Porto berru complete the highlights of the Sónar+D Exhibitions.
Startup Lisboa Beato – Fábrica do Pão will be the stage for the third and final segment of Sónar+D: which includes AV shows, live music experiences oriented towards the confluence between creativity, music, technology, and innovation. From hurricanes to unicellular organisms and dying stars, reflecting on societal concerns such as climate change or data surveillance while exploring the synergy of sound and image.
From artificial intelligence to virtual reality, from blockchain to computer-generated imagery breakthroughs - presentations like the one by pianist Marco Mezquida dialoguing with an AI system or the collaborative process in real-time between a DJ and the audience, mediated by AI, in the Awwz AI B2B DJ set. These are some of the proposals that invite everyone into an immersive reflection.
Between April 8 and 10, the first edition of Sónar Lisboa 2022 will bring together more than 100 artists in the Portuguese capital, divided into Sónar +D and the musical variants Sónar by Day and Sónar by Night, with more than 70 concerts and performances by artists and DJs, such as Arca, Bicep (live), The Blaze, DJ, Charlotte de Witte, Dixon, DJ Shadow, Polo & Pan, Enchufada Na Zona, Honey Dijon, Floating,Points, Pongo, Leon Vynehall, Partiboi69, Nicola Cruz, Richie Hawtin and Thundercat, in four emblematic Lisbon venues: Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, Coliseu dos Recreios, Pavilhão Carlos Lopes, and Hub Criativo do Beato.
Sónar by Night
Pavilhão Carlos Lopes
April 8dixon, elkka dj, switchdance, thundercat live, trikk
April 9
enchufada na zona dengue dengue dengue live, dj shadow, kampire, pongo, shaka lion
Coliseu dos Recreios
April 8
arca, dj lycox, dj marfox, dj nigga fox live, nídia, total freedom
April 9
bicep live, chloé robinson, floating points, helena guedes, leon vynehall live, rroxymore live, rui vargas Congressos Lisboa
April 8
aril brikha live, bleid, charlotte de witte, héctor oaks, imogen, marum, nkisi, phoebe, photonz, richie hawtin, stingray 313 live, vil b2b cravo, violet live, yen sung
April 9
acid alice, dj lynce, dj stingray 313, dust devices live, ellen allien b2b dr. rubinstein, fjaak live, lewis fautzi, nina kraviz, otsoa, partiboi69, valody
Sónar by Day
Pavilhão Carlos Lopes
April 9ana pacheco, the blaze dj, discos extendes crew, honey dijon, iamddb live, india jordan, ka§par live, nicola cruz live, percebes cru djs, poté dj
April 10
anah, cruz, eu.clides live, evan baggs, jayda g, moullinex, noia, overmono dj, pedro da linha b2b riot, polo & pan live, tiago marques, torres, xinobi, zé salvador