Softwar And Cassian Are On The Roof

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Free gigs combine two of my favourite things in the world, free shit and live music.

Softwar will be joined by Cassius for the last show of their 'Believe/ One Day' EP tour and believe it or not, this will be a free show. After kicking things off with a Triple J Mix-Up, and flying to every corner of this country as well as drive-bys in China and Singapore, Softwar will be closing their tour right here in Perth. 

Supported by Clunk, Troy Division and Paradise Paul, this will be an event you don't want to miss. Don't be late, there is a limited capacity — and The Aviary boasts a 'no dickhead' policy, so be on your best behaviour.

Softwar and Cassian will be performing at The Aviary on Sunday June 30.

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