Sia said she was "getting sh$t for being a no-show" at the ARIAs. Then she got petty. Then humanity became cringeworthy.
I made four thank you/acceptance videos for the arias. They chose to show one. I'm saddened to be getting shit for being a 'no-show'
— sia (@Sia) November 26, 2014
Prolific singer/ songwriter/ collaborator Sia Furler tweeted her sadness claiming she "received shit" for not attending the ARIAs held in Sydney last week. The reclusive, US-based celeb, didn't make the trans-pacific commute but did record four acceptance awards; only one of which was shown on the night. In apparent retaliation to the perceived snub, and despite seeing fit to record four speeches, Sia changed tack with an ostentatious Tweet seeking to give way the thanked-for gongs ...
On the upside, I won! Who wants one? First four people to document doing a good deed, I'll send you an aria. GO!!!
— sia (@Sia) November 26, 2014
... which sparked a cringeworthy response from those seeking to profit from good deeds …

... and so the Sia show rolls on. For the record, she awarded the first gong to Wayne B (above). Uggh.
SIA SNUB UPDATE: 30 November 2014
Sia has since tweeted us that she was not snubbing the ARIAs and that she gives away all of her awards.Perhaps she should take greater care when juxtaposing tweets? She told the world she was saddened for "getting shit as a no-show" and in the same Tweet pointed out that not all of her pre-recorded speeches were aired [weird in its own right] — and then just four minutes later tweeted she was giving away all her gongs: