Charity event Rockin 4 The Homeless [R4TH] transitions to 'Recordin 4 The Homeless' this year with the release of a double compilation album titled 'Rockin 4 The Homeless 2020: The Greatest Hitters 2014-2020'.
Like so many other live gigs this year, R4TH was forced to cancel their annual fundraiser festival. The R4TH album features some 30 Australian acts, including The Superjesus, fronted by the illustrious Sarah McLeod."I'm just really impressed that Dan [Nebe], who is the R4TH organiser, is still there and able to generate funds for the cause even though we can't play," Sarah says.
"He just doesn't stop. If we can't do gigs, he'll work out another way of making money for the homeless because he just lives to help the homeless. He's a very clever and very cool guy with a big heart."
Sarah is a proud to be part of the R4TH alumni, and says to be involved in the album was a foregone conclusion.
"We do get asked to do a lot of charity things, so you don't always say yes to everything, but – you can see the passion, and how well it's organised and how well respected Dan is in the community for what he does," she says.
"He puts his whole heart on the line every day. He's always thinking of these hare-brained schemes as to how he can make money to help the homeless every day. He's quite remarkable that Dan."
'Rockin 4 The Homeless 2020: The Greatest Hitters 2014-2020' also features Diana Anaid and an exclusive unreleased track 'Mighty Clean' from Hoodoo Gurus.

For Sarah, R4TH is an all-too human cause. "Because we can all live without certain things," she says.
"We do our best, we're in all different financial situations, but to live without somewhere to lay your head at night is just something I have trouble fathoming how people can do it, and if they are doing it, how we cannot help them.
"It's just a human right: you should have somewhere safe to put your head down at night, to look after your kids, to be warm and fed. It's not a big ask and I think it's really sad there's a lot of people that are in that situation, so whatever we can do to help them we need to do."
Beyond raising money, above all Sarah is hoping to raise awareness in people for the plight of others and bring a little empathy back to humanity.
"If they see someone in trouble, to help them or to give money to someone in the street if they look like they need it. To make it okay to help people," she says.
"These people need help, don't just walk past them. Everyone's got certain pasts that lead them to certain situations – a couple of bad decisions and it's easily done, especially now.
"I want people to be open to it and thinking about it. . . because we are all linked and we need to help each other. We shouldn't be scrambling on top of each other to get what we need, we should all be helping each other."
'Rockin 4 The Homeless 2020: The Greatest Hitters 2014-2020' is available now.