Rock Stars Pay Tribute To Chrissy Amphlett

Chrissy Amphlett
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Australian rock icon Chrissy Amphlett is gone, but far from forgotten. On Saturday June 29, some of Melbourne's favourite female rockers will gather at The Yarraville Club in Amphlett's honour, to tribute the legend she was.

The night will see live performances from Grace Knight, Jane Clifton, Fiona Lee Maynard & Her Holy Men, Rebecca Barnard, Kerri Simpson, Los Dominados, Neon & Venom, Pony Girl & The Outsiders as well as MC Lucinda Cowden, RRR's Fee B-Squared as DJ. They'll all be performing some of Divinyls' favorite hits.

Amphlett died at the age of 53 in New York after a long battle with breast cancer. She was unable to receive radiation treatment or chemotherapy due to the Multiple Sclerosis she suffered from.

All profits from this evening will go to the peak national body for Australians living with Multiple Sclerosis, MS Australia (Western Region, Footscray area).

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