Review: Synthony @ Vivid Sydney at Carriageworks

Grace has been singing as long as she can remember. She is passionate about the positive impact live music can have on community and championing artists. She is an avid animal lover, and hopes to one day own a French bulldog.

Sydney has put on a magnificent, clear skied evening for Vivid highlight Synthony at Carriageworks.

Mobin Master warms up the early turnout, which looks like no one wants to miss a minute of this show (8 June). Mobin whips out a keytar to bring the crowd up a level. A heartbeat then sounds behind a Synthony visual as the crowd claps. Everybody came here to party and party they shall.

The players of The Metropolitan Orchestra join to crowd roars, taking their places with precision. Maestra Sarah-Grace Williams waits an elongated time to enter before the lights go down.

A logo forms from swirling dots as the strings pulse frenetically. Blue lasers shoot out as 'Right Here, Right Now' plays. This is one heck of a production. The song explodes when the brass section joins, and the joy is palpable. The visuals stream colours across the screen as first guest vocalist Cassie McIvor's vocals stun in 'Let Me Think About It'. It's starting to get warm in here.

A red orb pulses with energy to introduce vocalist Greg Gould who is dressed in a black jacket with beautiful gold embroidery. He spins and twirls his way through his number, each note perfect.

"I'm not alone!" Gould declares as the song merges into the next tune, a saxophonist joining the stage. The atmosphere swirls beneath the classic melody. Purple lasers shoot out as the notes ring true and clear. The strings signal a dramatic rise as the beat drops, heavy and wholesome. The atmosphere is absolutely electric.

Vocalist Emily Williams joins for 'I Need A Miracle' in a stunning tribal outfit complete with golden tassels. Her voice is smooth and the classic house track goes down equally well. Ilan Kidron of The Potbelleez takes to the mic for his own song 'Don't Hold Back', which bursts with an ear-busting sing-along. What a time.

The saxophone returns for a Flume track, as the visuals play a time warp sequence of dots. Smoke wafts through the solid blue lasers as a sax solo winds the song down before Fisher's 'Losing It' sends the crowd into outer space, the brass section blasting out the drop. This has to be the coolest idea ever.

Orange lasers shoot out for the next tune as orange-gold sparks create visuals on the screen, changing to angel wings which slowly part as the strings move furiously through high chords.

Kidron stands atop the DJ decks as he begins singing 'Mr Brightside'. The entire show is absolutely captivating. McIvor returns for 'Spectrum', crushing it under pink lights, before 'Levels' explodes under blue lasers and white visuals. This has to be the best place on earth right now.

The talent continues as Williams returns asking "can you feel me?" before entering 'Show Me Love'. Everyone here is certainly feeling something good. Kidron returns in a red jacket for 'Another Brick In The Wall', which sounds as epic as possible as golden machines whir across the screen.

Vivaldi's 'Summer' is mind expounding as fluorescent butterfly-esque creatures flutter across the screen. It is beautiful. Next, the visuals stream through cathedral imagery, before Gould returns as 'Feel The Love' explodes under frantic black and white pulsing lights. Everyone is off their feet, smiles wide from ear to ear.

"Have you got the love tonight?" Williams asks for 'You've Got The Love', as she absolutely nails it. The talent here tonight is wild. Our maestra exits to deafening applause before returning for the best version of 'Sandstorm' you will ever hear in your life. You could quite happily stay here for the next six hours or so.

Alas the show ends and the patrons must continue their night elsewhere. Simply enthralling, massively enjoyable, and deliciously curated, Synthony is an experience that makes you feel happy to be alive. A place to dance away your blues and find the joy of humanity in unity. One thing is certain, no one is ready for bed yet.

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