Review: SPEED @ The Princess Theatre (Brisbane)

SPEED played The Princess Theatre (Brisbane) on 22 August, 2024 - image © Dylan Hewitson-Bevis
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When I think about what I missed most during the pandemic years, particularly when we were in lockdown, I think about live music – that feeling of community, where everyone in the room has come together over a single interest.

No genre of music exemplifies community and brotherhood better than hardcore, and Sydney's SPEED preaches that message whenever they take the stage.

SPEED have essentially taken over the world since their inception in 2019, forming after frontman Jem Siow's previous band Endless Heights split up. This year alone, SPEED have completed a European festival tour, as well as two separate trips to the US.

Refusing to slow down, the band released their debut album, 'Only One Mode', last month and are celebrating it with an Australian tour before a third headlining tour of the United States.

Their Australian album tour kicked off in Brisbane last night (22 August) at The Princess Theatre, their largest headlining show in the city to date.

The bill for the evening was a mixed genre worldwide showcase, exemplifying SPEED's tendency to pick line-ups based on friendships and connections formed through the hardcore community. It speaks to SPEED's massive influence that they can fly big names from scenes all over the world to support.

Representing hardcore from Singapore were Fuse, a female-led hardcore project. Their first time touring internationally, Fuse took the time to share their appreciation for SPEED in between fast-paced and intense riffs.

Next was Pain Of Truth, hailing from New York. Pain Of Truth are another band that pushes for and exemplifies community, with their 2023 album 'Not Through Blood' featuring a who's who of guest vocal appearances from a litany of their contemporaries in the scene. The energy in the crowd turned feral when the band launched into 'Actin' Up', an absolute scorcher of a song with undeniably killer riffs.

Last up before SPEED, UK punk band High Vis were a slight change in pace, with their frontman Graham Sayle sharing: "You won't be kicking anybody in the face to these songs." With their name deriving from the colloquial slang for high-visibility construction vests, and Sayle's thick Merseyside accent, High Vis make it clear in their songs that they care deeply for the UK's working class.

SPEED - image © Dylan Hewitson-Bevis

With the stage now set for SPEED, the energy in the room was at a fever pitch. Only in hardcore could a headlining band start their set with a flute solo, but Jem Siow's trilling had the room going wild.

It was a melee from beginning to end, with the floor of The Princess Theatre transforming into a war zone filled with spin-kicking and high-flying fists. Hardcore show moshpits are not for the faint of heart.

Image © Dylan Hewitson-Bevis

Multiple times through their set, the microphone exchanged hands between Siow, other members of the band, and even with friends hanging out side stage. Siow's former bandmate from his previous project Endless Heights took over vocals for a portion of a song.

Regardless of how big of a stage SPEED play on, it feels as though the audience is always welcome to jump the barrier and take the microphone. Siow made it clear that SPEED are about brotherhood. He implored everyone in the audience to look after their friends, to "find [your]self and find [your] journey".

SPEED - image © Dylan Hewitson-Bevis

The band ended on arguably their biggest hit, 'Not That Nice', with Siow calling out that "for the next three minutes, it's every man for themselves".

SPEED are Sydney's greatest export, and I hope this isn't the last we get to see of them on home soil for a while. There truly isn't anything else like a great hardcore show.

- written by Dylan Hewitson-Bevis

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