Sub Rosa feels like an esteemed underground burrow, where Alice could be welcomed into the protection of the white rabbit's family.
Late night dance instructor (points for creative insta bio) Batchelo, pulled the early stint this time as the early birds chirped their way into the nest.Featured act, Double Touch were one of first acts signed to Lee Burridge's label and events empire All Day I Dream. Their live piano and percussion make for a visual dance that's contagious, and deftly fused with house served on a platter of dreamy electronic morsels.

Image © Ibanez Media
They've been played by Hernan Cattaneo (El Maestro himself) and Tony from Above & Beyond – even on his latest stream from Miami (2w2 May).
The crisply charismatic duo are a tonne of fun – if this was a business meeting we could talk about their seamless integration, and buoyant personalities – but, that's the stuff we expect from our DJs, so tell us something we don't know, eh?
Double Touch is the pairing of LA-based (usually) classical-crossover pianist and composer Van-Anh Nguyen and Mark Olsen, drummer, DJ and producer based in Sydney.
The way they play together is a graceful gambol of joyful respect for one another's craft – they are charming and captivating. The love in the room was palpable.

Image © Ibanez Media
They're the only Australians to ever have a #1 on the Beatport Organic House/ Downtempo charts (so far). We're lucky to have them somewhat trapped in Australia, for now.
Speaking of spatial restrictions – room behind the decks this time limited Van-Anh to a 61-key keyboard (rather than the usual 88), and Olsen's conga show to a bongo parlay, and they still managed full flight in exquisite formation.

Image © Ibanez Media
Taglo closed out the night with a next-level sewing of his progressive, deep house tapestry.
Credit must go to the Sub Rosa staff, who instantaneously smooth over any happy crowd hiccups with a gentle but firmly safety-and-well-being first approach, never tainting the enjoyment. The welcoming, cheerful atmosphere was truly impressive – whether the roof was open or closed.
Double Touch played Sub Rosa (Brisbane) 14 May.