Back for its third season of 'cross-genre and contemporary classical strings-driven ensembles, bands, soloists, dance and physical theatre', Restrung Festival returns next month to Brisbane Powerhouse 17-19 August.
With an all-star line-up of international, national and local guests (50+ performers), Restrung explore the spaces in between genres – classical, electronica, folk, jazz, rock, pop minimalism – and artistic disciplines.
New York City's art-rock band Blonde Redhead will headline the festival with a performance of their seminal album 'Misery Is A Butterfly' accompanied by string quartet.
Genre-defying London-based cellist, composer and producer Oliver Coates; famed New York City-based fiddler Cleek Schrey; local guitar and violin reskinners The Scrapes; world acclaimed didgeridoo player William Barton; the masters of music mixology Topology and all sorts in between will join Blonde Redhead.
Curated by festival founder and award-winning cellist Danielle Bentley, who has worked extensively in rock, popular and classical music and is a winner of the prestigious national APRA-AMCOS Art Music Award for Excellence by an Individual, Restrung is a tribute to new and traditional sounds, new and known repertoire and new and known artists.
“Restrung is, above all other, a celebration of music, and I am thrilled that we have been able to secure this extraordinary, worldclass line-up of sound makers to come to Brisbane and create what we promise will be amazingly memorable music,” Danielle says.
“Luring Blonde Redhead to Brisbane is most definitely a coup and we look forward to sharing their music with our festival fans. They are just the tip of the three-day musical iceberg, with the full cast of artists brilliant in so many ways.”
Topology’s Robert Davidson says Restrung was a highly playful and exploratory celebration of creativity. “Certainly some of my most memorable ever times in music have been at Restrung Festival in Brisbane, both as a composer and bassist.
"It was incredible to have the opportunity to create my piece 'The Gathering' for a disparate group of musicians spread all around the Powerhouse; something that would not have been possible without the open-minded spirit of the festival.”
Other highlights include Collusion's return with Queensland Ballet Academy’s talented pre-professional dancers in Reflex, a double-bill of resonant intersections at the forefront of new ballet by Gareth Belling and chamber music. While Zen Zen Zo and The Viola Cloning Project’s DUSK is an exploration of the liminal, the space between, the threshold which facilitates transformation.

Restrung takes place at Brisbane Powerhouse 17-19 August, 2017.
Thursday 17 August
Muscle Memory: Reflex @ Powerhouse Theatre (Ticketed)Oliver Coates @ Turbine Platform (Free)
The Scrapes @ Turbine Platform (Free)
Friday 18 August
Blonde Redhead @ Powerhouse Theatre (Ticketed)Cris Derksen Trio @ Turbine Platform (Free)

Rafael Karlen, Steve Newcomb and Strings @ Turbine Platform (Free)
Saturday 19 August
Monique Clare @ Turbine Platform (Free)Zen Zen Zo: Dusk @ Powerhouse Theatre (Ticketed)
Cleek Schrey @ Turbine Platform (Free)
Zen Zen Zo: Dusk @ Powerhouse Theatre (Ticketed)
The Noise @ Turbine Platform (Free)
Topology: Queensland at Home @ Turbine Platform (Free)
Muscle Memory: Reflex @ Powerhouse Theatre (Ticketed)
David Bentley Trio, William Barton + Strings @ Turbine Platform (Free)