Registrations Are Now Open For MusicSA’s New State-Wide Festival Good Music Month

Good Music Month - Image from MusicSA Facebook
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

A new month-long, open-access, state-wide live music festival from MusicSA, Good Music Month, is set to elevate South Australia’s live music sector this November.

Good Music Month is an annual, state-wide live music festival, providing a platform for artists, venues and industry professionals to showcase their talents to both local and interstate audiences. There’ll be everything from intimate blues bands in local pubs, to grand-scale ticketed music festivals, operas, and orchestral concerts.

MusicSA will collaborate with pre-existing major festivals, events and industry initiatives in November, including the SA Music Awards at Woodville Town Hall, to deliver never-before-seen experiences in South Australia.

Good Music Month will encompass the greater Adelaide metropolitan area, while emphasising the development of a strong network of regional venues. The venues will welcome artists and events across regional centres, offering opportunities for audience and industry development.

The growth of Good Music Month will in turn contribute to the growth of interstate tourism, focused on the vibrant South Australian live music scene. Plus, it will offer projects for the local music industry to not only exhibit their talents, but also to forge and cultivate career paths and employment opportunities.

Adelaide is proudly a City of Music – we want calendars full of music events and festivals, music venues full of live and local artists, and local, interstate and international audiences experiencing music as part of what makes South Australia such an amazing place to live and work,” MusicSA CEO Christine Schloithe says. “Good Music Month, the SA Music Awards and Scouted all celebrate and highlight music in SA.”

Good Music Month runs through November across South Australia. Event and venue registration is open now.

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