Premiere: Watch Sunny Luwe's New Music Video 'We've Got The Power'

Sunny Luwe
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

A proud Wailwan woman and pop-soul artist from Gold Coast, Sunny Luwe continues to create good times while spotlighting the power of a unified voice on her newest single, 'We've Got The Power'.

After a 2023 that saw the release of her debut album 'Flowers In The Sky' (which was 4ZZZ's Album Of The Week) as well as a nomination for the Indigenous Award at Queensland Music Awards, Sunny has commenced a busy 2024 with 'We've Got The Power'.

Funky pop-rock with an engaging rhythm that pulsates with a vibrant energy, 'We've Got The Power' is a feel-good protest song that sweeps you up with an infectious sing-along of activism.

With field audio recorded at Bob Brown's Rally for Rainforests in Meanjin last year interspersed throughout the song adding a real-world feel, Sunny's passioned vocals implore the listener to join people power.

"I wanted to remind everyone that we all possess the power to speak up for wrongdoings we see in our world," Sunny says. "I'm a passionate activist for conservation and caring for our earth – and this is my way of standing up for what I believe in."

Released in March, today scenestr is proud to premiere the music video for 'We've Got The Power'. Enjoy, and keep an eye out for a cheeky cameo from Xavier Rudd (next to Bob Brown behind the banner) 21 seconds into the clip.

Written by Sunny Luwe and okmattcollins and produced by Blake Malone (Amy Shark, Tia Gostelow, Peach Fur) and okmattcollins, 'We've Got The Power' was inspired after Sunny attended a conservation rally.

"Last year I attended Bob Brown's Rally for Rainforests in Meanjin and recorded some foley takes of the rally. I left feeling really inspired, and within a few hours had penned the first version of 'We've Got The Power' with Matt Collins.

"We took the track to Blake Malone of 4000 Studios and the song came together in no time. I loved incorporating the real field recordings from the rally and creating this powerful protest anthem.

"This song and release has been carbon offset too via Gondwana Rainforest Trust who are buying back land zoned for development, which is actually a part of the Daintree Rainforest," Sunny adds. "Carbon offsetting your music is actually crazy affordable too; I offset the entire WGTP release – including the film clip – for less than $20."

The Bob Brown Foundation and Ramji Ambrosiussen provided Sunny video footage of the protest and photographs of the logging and destruction happening in Tasmania to be included in the song's music video.

"My hope is that this song will inspire people to stand up for the inequalities they see in the world, and peacefully take action to make our world a better place," Sunny says.

"Climate change is a real thing, and my eco-anxiety ultimately has become my driver for action – that's why I offset, I compost, I recycle and reduce waste where I can.

"I am far from perfect with these pursuits; however my intention is pure, I want to do the best I can to reduce my negative impacts on the world, and use my art to say something, and hopefully inspire others to be the change they want to see in the world.

"We all possess great potential for creating change, and I feel it's our responsibility to create change that will ultimately better the lives of others, and all life on earth."

Sunny Luwe and friends are playing The Triffid (Brisbane) every Sunday afternoon in May (and it's dog friendly).

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