Premiere: Watch Rose Motion's New Music Video 'Hurt Me Again'

Rose Motion are a dance pop duo from Brisbane.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

With an infectious love to make music as well as partying, Brisbane dance duo Rose Motion's newest release is the sophisticated and stylish electronic jam 'Hurt Me Again'.

A song about embracing the fear of rejection in the hope of capturing love, 'Hurt Me Again' came to life after the pair were DJing abroad.

"After we DJd in Playa del Carmen (Mexico), we got so inspired by the exotic and calming atmosphere that we decided to produce this song," Rose Motion says.

"We wanted to make people feel the way we felt at that moment. Free. Under the sun. Appreciative of life.

"You shouldn't not try because you know that there's a possibility of failure. We only have one life to live so you might as well try."

Representatives of the black and LGBTQ+ communities, Rose Motion (who are working on collaborations with Santorelli, Shortround, and Kilter) released 'Hurt Me Again' last month, but today scenestr is thrilled to premiere the 'Hurt Me Again' music video. Enjoy.

"The message we wanted to spread in this film was actually more simple than the drama within the storyline – family.

"Be there for the ones that you consider your family and take the time to ask 'are you ok?' when you notice that someone you care about could use a hug."

The clip, centred around a house party, features one impromptu moment. "Louie Vicious getting pushed into the pool was actually a last-minute call we made during the scene," shares Rose Motion.

"We were sipping those red cups and bet him that he wouldn't go in the pool and he did. I guess we're pretty reckless when we party. We cannot WAIT for the behind the scenes to be released."

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