Raindrop began when Miles Devine retreated to his bedroom to create the music that had always been trying to escape.
This opportunity presented itself after the natural disbandment of Regular John, a band that Miles had recorded and toured with extensively. Over the years, that bedroom has expanded to the entire top floor of his Sydney home, now known as Mindfield Studios.
He uses it as a place to escape from the world and write songs about all the silly pointless things that have and continue to happen in his life. Miles latest sonic adventure is 'Only Hope', and today he premieres the song's video with scenestr. "‘Only Hope’ is a colourful look into the recording process of a Raindrop song," Miles says.
"Presented as a fly on the wall type video you can now see the various ‘techniques’ employed to make their music."

Video Cat
And we adore his cat who stars in the video. Video cat rocks.
"'Only Hope’ lyrically provides a short burst of positivity, something which is mainly only expressed musically on the album. With a mixture of influences from doo-wop to garage, this lead single will leave you wanting more."