Premiere: Watch Leanne Tennant's New Music Video 'Everspin'

Leanne Tennant will release her new album, 'Happiness Is...', May 2020.
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When it comes to winning awards, Queensland musician Leanne Tennant has quickly become an old hand.

In 2018, Leanne was awarded the prestigious Carol Lloyd Award (from that win, she has recorded her forthcoming album 'Happiness Is...'); the following year, she was a semi-finalist in the International Songwriting Competition.

Then this past Tuesday, Leanne scored the Regional award at the 2020 Queensland Music Awards (QMAs) for her track 'Bring It All Back'; this is her third QMAs win, having previously won the Blues & Roots category in 2015 and 2017.

Oh, and she's getting regular airplay on triple j as well as being played on all British Airways flights. Winning.

With three singles ('Cherry Cola', the aforementioned 'Bring It All Back' and 'Everspin') already released from 'Happiness Is...' (which is due 8 May), Leanne is ready to unveil the accompanying music video for 'Everspin', which she has shared exclusively with scenestr to premiere today. Enjoy.

"My favourite scene was when the guy is banging the computer. We only had one take to get that smash right and to not laugh," Leanne says. "The poor guy damaged his fingers from whacking the side of the computer so hard."

'Everspin' was produced and engineered by Yanto Browning at Airlock Studios; and mixed by Yanto and Konstantin Kersting.

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