Premiere: Watch Jessie-May K's New Music Video 'Shootin Daisies'

Jessie-May K is an indie musician from Central Coast.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Central Coast indie musician Jessie-May K's most recent project, creating a music video for her song 'Shootin Daisies' (about gun violence), became an all-consuming passion.

With a spirited attitude questioning why humanity is unable to foster long-lasting peace globally instead resorting to wars, Jessie-May was able to conceptualise the theme for the 'Shootin Daisies' clip with a hands-on approach.

"The music video for 'Shootin Daisies' was driven by my enthusiasm for the meaning encapsulated within the song. My need to accurately convey the message of peace, wisdom and unity, meant I woke up every day on a mission.

"For months I woke up and set to work building chairs, stools and tables to breathe life into this project.

"I designed a retro theme, intending the juxtaposition would communicate how out-dated the ideas of war and gun violence truly are.

"It's more than frustrating, that in our modern age, we are still so primitive when it comes to making decisions that effect the safety of human lives and quality of living."

Enlisting her trusted crew from previous videos including Robert C Morton as DOP ('The Great Gatsby') the 'Shootin Daisies' clip was shot indoors at Damien Gerard Studios in Gosford.

scenestr is thrilled to premiere the music video today. Enjoy.

"I had been planning, creating and organising for so long, it was surreal when the actual shoot day arrived and to know it was really going to happen," Jessie-May says.

"Shooting indoors made it a lot more civil and a lot less stressful than my previous music videos.

"My actors, despite never meeting before, had incredible chemistry on set and I believe that energy transferred into their performance, boosting the material further than I even dreamt.

"I couldn't be more grateful for everyone who helped me tackle this goal; my wonderful actors Jacob Philips-Reinhard, Kurt J Lawther, Miguel Cullen; my brilliant makeup artist Trang Nguyen who never fails to impress me with her talents; Robert C Morton who is an absolute expert in his field; Rodrigo Llauro who is a dedicated, innovative editor; Cristobal Olguin as one of my editors; and Oscar Bright who was by my side supporting me and ensuring the day went according to plan."

However, the plan to create fake tears for one of the scenes almost turned into a cutting onions nightmare.

"Me being dramatic," begins Jessie-May, "I of course had to go the extra mile and cry to be emotional for the music video.

"I bought a tears stick online and practiced with it at home to ensure I knew what I was doing. I didn't however factor in the makeup aspect of the day, so after applying it, the makeup acted as a barrier to my skin.

"I applied a whole heap out of impatience for the tears to fall, only for all of it finally soak in and hit me at once!

"The burning sensation was like cutting and smelling a thousand onions and I couldn't open my eyes for a solid ten minutes, but you couldn't see the tears on camera because the makeup was waterproof.

"Trang [makeup artist] saved the day, as she ended up having much better supplies and fake tears in her makeup bag of tricks that didn't require fumes or triggering real tears."

Although there were nearly real-life tears operating the coffee machine. "We were a tad confused working the coffee machine and I overflowed mine, struggling to order the right amount, whilst Kurt (actor, Army Man) drank a seperate cup of warm milk and another of pure chocolate water!"

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