Premiere: Watch Jack Nolan's New Music Video 'Gabriel'

Jack Nolan is a singer-songwriter from Sydney.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

The title track from his forthcoming new solo album (due next month), veteran Sydney singer-songwriter Jack Nolan's newest single is 'Gabriel' – an Americana-fused track about a peculiar road trip Jack had in the California desert a few years back.

Recorded in Nashville at Welcome To 1979 recording studio just prior to the pandemic shutting down the world last year, 'Gabriel' was first a demo Jack wrote and recorded himself before putting it away waiting for the perfect opportunity to give it the "environment it deserved".

"I spent hours explaining what I wanted with producer Justin Weaver [Gary Allan, Jason Aldean], who simplified the whole thing and we literally, step by step, retraced my steps, recreating the [original] demo perfectly from the ground up," Jack says.

"I still handled the guitars, the lead vocal and harmonies but was smart enough to hand off the rest to the band.

"Listen for Jimmy Paxson on the trash can drum, swinging around the harmonies and Justin Weavers' banjo; that is the optimism and the final outcome."

With the 'Gabriel' single to be released tomorrow (8 September), scenestr is stoked to premiere the 'Gabriel' music video today. Enjoy.

"It's a song about a very peculiar road trip I had and is consistent with how varied the USA is from state to state, not just its geography but its people too, who I love," adds Jack.

"I find a strange innocence throughout America, I can't explain it. Perhaps it's to do with the fact there seems to be less rules and penalties unlike there is in Australia, I'm not sure.

"We were on a road trip, departing a heaving LA and her freeways and into Death Valley, a most peculiar place, an unknown place.

"When your mind is elsewhere, irretrievable, like mine at the time, the Valley's a parallel universe, perdition. We were in the midst of a three-day dream.

"I fell upon a crossroad, landing 86 metres below sea level in the Californian desert at a place, Badwater Basin, where an androgynous guardian appears, Gabriel, kind, gentle yet hard-lived and furrowed, who gave and left me with hope that all would be well."

'Gabriel' the album is scheduled for release 8 October, 2021.

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