Premiere: Watch Choon Goonz New Video 'Chocoholics'

Choon Goonz New Video 'Chocoholics'
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

With Easter about to hop around the corner, Brisbane's hip-swinging, loop-busting musical crazies, Choon Goonz are ready to dip their bunny toes in a pail of chocolate with the premiere of their newest song, 'Chocoholics'.

The duo of Loopert Fast and Smashka Word'n want to spark a general conversation about addiction with the #whatsyourchocolate hashtag. "We decided to throw a chocolate party, inviting all our friends and letting them swim in our pool of chocolate was too exciting an idea to pass up for a film clip,” Smashka Word'n says.

“However, with such an fun track and overload of visual stimulation it’s easy to look past the deeper nuances of the song. Popular culture still sees it socially acceptable to literally poison our bodies with alcohol and pretty much the entire live music industry hinges on it.

“However, there is a shift in consciousness within the party scene which is seeing more and more people in favour of ‘cleaner’ choices, and chocolate (or more so cacao) is leading the way.

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“In an ode to cleaning up our OWN lifestyles with more regenerative choices (replacing fossil fuels, wasteful actions and junk consumption as much as we can with getting back to the earth, growing a garden and more conscious eating) 'Chocoholics' reminds us how easily we can activate our own fun-barometers with what we’ve already got, whilst also giving a tongue-in-cheek look at the nature of addiction and social obsession which revolves around it.”

Loopert Fast adds: “Addiction is everywhere, stemming from our disconnection with country, community and culture. We love to judge (and even jail) others when their addictive demons don't fit with the cultural norm.

“Whether it's drugs (illegal, prescriptive or socially acceptable), screens, sex, porn, shopping, food, toe nails or music, aren't we all addicted to something? For most of us it's more than some thing, it's many things.”

So Choon Goonz want you to tell them: #whatsyourchocolate?

'Chocoholics' is available 7 April.

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