Premiere: Stream Taylor Pfeiffer's New Single 'Fortune Teller'

Taylor Pfeiffer is an Australian indie singer-songwriter.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Americana, indie singer-songwriter, musician Taylor Pfeiffer follows up her previous 2020 release ('Mind Wide Open') with the touching, heartfelt 'Fortune Teller'.

A song that floats around the idea of walking into the unknown, as a 20-year-old Taylor is all too familiar with being confronted by the future and 'Fortune Teller' is her melodic reminder (with a beautiful, strumming banjo accompaniment) that not everything needs to come into place at once.

"I wrote this song about the uncertainty of the future and accepting the fact it's okay not to know. It's very fitting during these uncertain times," Taylor says.

However, the song's creation began well before 2020 turned the world upside down. "I started writing 'Fortune Teller' about two years ago, and it was a very long process. I was never really happy with the song, so I kept re-writing and eventually I just gave up on it.

"It wasn't until I was in Nashville last year, where I had the chance to write with Cheyenne Medders. He gave me a couple ideas for the pre-chorus and verses, and instantly the song finally fell into place.

"I feel the song hooks the listener in with the melodic hook in the intro, that I originally came up with on banjo."

With 'Fortune Teller' set for release tomorrow (31 July), scenestr is ecstatic to premiere Taylor's newest single today. Enjoy.

When it comes to recording, Taylor admits she has some curious studio quirks. "I felt sorry for my producer, Michael, because when recording the vocals for this song, I made him turn the lights off in the studio!

"This was so I could really feel the emotion in the song, without any distractions." Fair enough, Taylor.

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