Premiere: Stream SEETALI's New Single 'Haunted'

SEETALI is a Melbourne-based producer-songwriter-musician.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Melbourne producer-songwriter SEETALI shares another taste of her forthcoming album ('It's Not You; It's Me'), with the delectable, synth-laden electronic jam 'Haunted'.

A moody yet ethereal beat is melded to a shimmering, glistening rhythm that slowly builds ahead of hypnotic synth claps that propel the song into a trip-hop space, the sonic textures mingling with the ghostly yet earnest vocals of Christina Keen, a close friend of SEETALI.

Another of SEETALI's creative pals, fellow Naarm producer Vital Mode shares production duties on 'Haunted' – a track that lyrically explores the emotional fallout that transpires when someone special disappears from your life.

"'Haunted' is the feeling of being really empty and lost when someone in your life leaves," shares SEETALI.

"They leave you with all the memories that follow you no matter where you go and as hard as you try to move on it feels like you're being followed.

"I used this song as an outlet for when I felt like I was stuck in the past by someone who had no intention of keeping me in their future."

Ahead of the song's release tomorrow (14 September), scenestr is thrilled to premiere 'Haunted' today. Enjoy.

An artist focused on the art of collaboration, 'Haunted' was a project that allowed SEETALI to share the studio feels with two of her mates. "This song had a lot of my friends as collaborators, which made the process insanely fun.

"Produced with my friend Vital Mode, who is in a complete different genre than me was awesome, especially our naming protocols for stems such as 'Drum Phil'.

"Christina is one of the most talented vocalists I have worked with, but she is also a very close friend from high school. From mostly live performances together as an acoustic duo, going into a studio together had been on our to-do list for ages!"

"I get swept away when singing ['Haunted'] and have quite a visceral reaction," adds Christina. "It's really lovely to hear those intense emotions reflected in the production of the song."

To be released next month (25 October), 'It's Not You; It's Me' is a ten-track album that features contributions from ten artists, vocalists, and producers from Naarm/Melbourne, each work a standalone message and also part of the album's larger narrative.

"Writing this album was like pouring my heart and soul onto a canvas of melodies and lyrics," SEETALI says.

"All my highs and depressing lows are embedded into every line. Each note resonates with the echoes of my emotions, and every word carries the weight of every experience."

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