Premiere: Stream Jack Tully & The Seers New Album 'Harkness Lane'

Jack Tully & The Seers' new album is titled 'Harkness Lane'.
National Music Editor, based in Brisbane, Australia.
'Passionate about true crime docos, the Swannies, golf and sleep, I’ve been writing about music for 20-plus years. What I’ve learnt? There’s two types of music – good and bad.’

Imagine if you put the likes of Dirty Three, The Go-Betweens, The Sand Pebbles, The Morning After Girls, Deloris, and Glenn Richards in a blender, 'whizzed it' on the fastest setting for a wee, little while you'd be somewhere to close to the magnificent sounds that emanate from Jack Tully & The Seers new album, 'Harkness Lane'. [Ed's note: if you don't know any of these Aussie bands, get busy with Mrs Google - she knows all.]

This just could be the album of 2018; put the headphones on and sink into your couch with a jazz cigarette and/ or lift the level to 11 on your speakers and treat the neighbourhood to some damn fine Australian rock.

'Harkness Lane' deserves your complete attention – and don't you dare stray to your social media feed. NO!

Opening track 'Vox Fur Drone' is a bristling psych-groove that's the perfect earworm, while 'Spirit Bird' is my new spirit song… it'll get you through those moments of doubt and deposit your saddle bags with that warm, fuzzy feeling whiskey offers.

Overall, 'Harkness Lane' is a music lover's oasis: psych-rock instrumental jams, reverb-filled alt. country laments to laidback rock grooves. There are more layers than an onion and not a hint of tears.

Three years on from his debut solo album, 'The Keeping', Jack has experienced a lot and now has a 'gang of guitar slingers' at his disposal.

"A lot of life can happen in three years and these songs reflect some of this transformation: growth, change, making peace with our stories, psychotherapy journeying, fatherhood," Jack says.

"I'm trying to cut away the stuff that doesn't matter and make space for what does. Some of the album does touch on the darker parts of life, but overall I think there is definitely more light this time around."

Recorded at Inky Studios in Byron Bay, the band were captured live together in one room by producer Jordan Power (Ash Grunwald, Dope Lemon). "The album is a band record with everyone bringing their own styles and influences.

"Nugget's guitar playing adds so much to these songs. He's a huge Bill Callahan and Spacemen 3 fan, other influences are our old favourites, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds and the Brian Jonestown Massacre."

The Seers are ex-neighbour Grant McClean (Nugget) on guitar, old friend Jonny Link on the drums and Rowan Setter, who keeps the bassline driving.

Jack Tully & The Seers Tour Dates

Fri 21 Sep - The Northern (Byron Bay)
Tue 9 Oct - Howl & Moan Records (Byron Bay)
Fri 16 Nov - Miami Markette (Gold Coast)

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