Premiere: Stream Em George's New Single 'The In Between'

Em George is a folk-rock singer-songwriter from Sydney.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Influenced by singer-songwriters Leonard Cohen, Stevie Nicks and Lou Reed, Australian indie folk artist Em George is back with another single from her upcoming third EP, that's due out later this year.

'The In Between' finds the Sydney-based artist musing on life's travails through the lens of COVID and the displacement that has affected so many.

It's like she's harnessed the spiritual energy of PJ Harvey, Liz Phair, St. Vincent and Phoebe Bridgers, yet 'The In Between' distinctly sounds like her own style.

The result is an achingly good folk-rock ballad that meanders at the start, Em sharing personable lyrics about her own experiences with the pandemic, before the pace quickens with Em adding flourishes of psych-rock as the song careens along; chair dancing is not out of the question.

With the song to be released tomorrow, scenestr is thrilled to premiere 'The In Between' today. Enjoy.

"I wrote this song during the first lockdown of 2020," begins Em. "I had just released my second EP 'Wolves' and the realisation set in that I could not tour or promote the work how I wanted.

"Gigs were being cancelled, I lost a job and the uncertainty of COVID and lockdown made me question my future in music and life in general.

"I had come to a state of what was the point of it all anymore? Everything had stopped and I was waiting for a spark of energy. I felt as if I was living between worlds, between past and present, and floating beneath the pulse of life."

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