Premiere: Stream Cymbol's New Single 'About A Girl (feat. Cameron Louw & This Pale Fire)'

Cymbol is an electronic producer based in Melbourne.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

A song conjured direct from the heart, 'About A Girl' is the newest release from Australian-based Kiwi producer-DJ Cymbol and a taste of his forthcoming album 'Distractions'.

Known for his expansive, exotic beats, emotive melodies and inspired collaborations, 'About A Girl' is Cymbol's most romantic joint yet, and sees him collab with singers Cameron Louw and This Pale Fire.

A smooth, yet heavenly dusty beat cocooned by a radiant, twinkling guitar riff welcomes the listener to 'About A Girl' before the hazy, muddied vocals bring forth those nostalgic feelings of romantic yearning.

The song then morphs into a buoyant trip-hop flavoured EDM jam followed by a stripped-back vocal breakdown in the last third of the song that heightens the emotive feels before the dusty beat meanders off in a hum of mmmmmms and backing gospel singer samples plus a piano loop that's just divine.

"Cameron and I were in the studio just having a catch up after years about how things have been going, how he just got married and I was about to," shares Cymbol.

"We then started having a jam and instantly the chords just came straight out of a love song, which then turned into 'About A Girl'."

Ahead of the song's release tomorrow (12 May), scenestr is thrilled to premiere 'About A Girl' today. Enjoy.

"Funny thing is," adds Cymbol, "I sent Corban (This Pale Fire) the track to write the second verse for Cameron and after he'd sent me his demo vocals, I ended up using those demo vocals as the second verse because it was so raw, real and sat perfectly in the composition."

Although there's no Cymbol live shows locked in currently, there will be a 'Distractions' album tour alongside a trip to India later in the year.

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