Premiere: Stream Big Creatures' New Double A-Side Release 'WORK/esc'

'WORK/esc' is the new, double A-side release from Melbourne group Big Creature.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

With a fresh slice of 'Minneapolis' funk dripping out the speakers, Melbourne three-piece electropop-funk beast Big Creature are back with a fresh double A release: 'WORK/esc' (out 26 July), which scenestr has the inside line to premiere today.

If you have 'dancing legs' anytime you hear a Prince song, then you'll want to get super comfy with Big Creature who channel The Purple One on 'WORK', a track overflowing with a Prince-like combo of guitar licks and synth stabs. "'WORK/esc' is the first in a series of double A-side releases for 2018," the band proclaim.

"The tracks are paired and intentionally contrasted to try and show our band from multiple angles at once. The tracks to follow in the coming months will also venture further down the path laid out on this first release.

"The first track, 'WORK', is our boldest attempt yet at meshing our funk influences and our pop sensibilities. It's also a kind of wry examination of Western culture's unbridled technological ambition and its potential impacts on humanity and our individuality.

"It's told from the perspective of a narrator who is drunk on the futuristic power of being able to remould oneself into the image of one's Instagram feed at the click of a button."

With past supports including Panama and Fractures, Big Creature showcase their diverse sound with the second track, 'esc'. "'esc' goes the other way and zooms in on one, small, simple idea; that of the frightening and yet intoxicating nature of intimacy and opening oneself up to another person, and builds a lush, sonic world around a single phrase lyric."

'WORK/esc' is released 26 July.

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