Premiere: Stream Arches' New Single 'Hide Out'

Arches are an indie pop duo based in Brisbane.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Arches are a duo that began life in Far North Queensland late last year.

The pairing of Sam and Mason, who each have Polynesian blood in their veins, have quickly forged a musical partnership that has seen them release five singles so far.

Now based in Brisbane, Arches next sonic chapter is 'Hide Out' – a track that details a high school romance where the teenager lovers flee their current lives to be together.

A loopy, boppy beat opens proceedings before a mash of electronic layers fuelled by a punk aesthetic and a wall of jangly-sounding guitars and slapping drums takes over, 'Hide Out' flirts with hyperpop tones akin to a trap-flavoured broken beat that powers on with an acoustic melody that's digitally distorted.

"'Hide Out' was one of the songs that sat right from the get-go; as soon as Sam sent me the first demo I knew he was onto something really cool. Super laid-back while going super hard," enthuses Mason.

Ahead of the song's release tomorrow (2 December), scenestr is stoked to premiere 'Hide Out' today. Enjoy.

'Hide Out' is the the second song lifted from Arches' debut mixtape that's being released in early 2023. Arches also plan to release their debut album towards the end of 2023.

"['Hide Out'] happened like most Arches songs really; someone makes a beat, then the other expands on it. From there, the ideas go back and forward it goes until a full song is born," shares Arches.

"'Hide Out' started out on Sam's laptop with the original intro guitar hook and heavy drum-driven breakdown, then Mason came back with some heavier electric guitar and lyrics. Then Mason and Sam jumped in the studio to pull together a final version."

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