Premiere: Stream Acoustic Foxx's New Single 'This Time'

Acoustic Foxx's new single is titled 'This Time'.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

A mix of folk, alternative rock and grunge, solo musician Acoustic Foxx recently spent time with Joshua Whitehead at Crosstown Soundstudio (in Melbourne).

The first harvest of those sessions is 'This Time', a gentle, caressing folk-rock ballad about surviving tough times, becoming stronger in the process.

"Lyrically, 'This Time' was born from a moment in time of loss, but it also reflected much more than that," Acoustic Foxx says.

"I'd been there before and I've learnt that it all comes back to me. I have to be strong for me which will make me strong for everyone else around me."

A song he'd had in his kit bag for awhile, when it came time to record 'This Time' Acoustic Foxx knew the song he wanted to capture. "Being predominately a solo artist, I've been playing this song live by myself for a little while now.

"I always had a bigger vision for this song and when it came time to record, I knew how it should sound and what elements it would need.

"Joshua at Crosstown Soundstudio helped me achieve this vision and I think we nailed it. The deeper we got into the recording process, the more our vision for the song became aligned."

scenestr is stoked to premiere 'This Time' today. Enjoy.

"This song is really close to my heart as are all my songs," adds Acoustic Foxx, "but I think this is a tune a lot of people can really resonate with.

"We've all gone through the ups and downs and the extreme lows only to work your way back up again."

With two previous album releases (2016's 'Guiding Light'; 2019's 'Blustery Winter'), Acoustic Foxx felt a lot more comfortable in the studio this time around.

"Learning my lessons from past studio experiences I knew how to better prepare myself and felt more confident in the studio.

"I felt more confident to back myself and I had a clearer vision of what I wanted to achieve."

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