Pete Murray rolled into hometown Brisbane (10 October) as part of his 'Yours Acoustically' tour to a sold-out show at The Triffid.
The local lad has an amazing following in this town. Guess we love a local hero and we tend to treat our artists with much love (and well deserved at that). By the looks of his itinerary, this will be a very busy run, with a crazy amount of shows.
Garrett Kato, who played an amazing set, was the support act; a well chosen opener for this cool gig.
Pete has had a very interesting career since the 2003 release of 'Feeler', followed by the 2005 release of 'See The Sun' (probably his best in my opinion). These albums were followed by 'Summer At Eureka' and 'Blue Sky Blue'. He has accumulated an almost, cult-like following and any doubts about that would have been dismissed by the atmosphere of the crowd.
Murray knows how work a room, teasing and weaving his way through the set. Murray had his great friend Jeremy Marou, from Busby Marou playing alongside and was a great choice of artist to play with.

Kicking off with 'Blue Sky Blue', Pete warmed the crowd and set the scene for an amazing night. An extremely vocal crowd responded to Murray’s magic as he went through a list of classic tunes that included: 'Saving Grace', 'Song Sugar', 'Bail Me Out' and many more.
Murray told many stories with his songs with the best one being for '10 Foot Tall'. This is about a friend who lost his partner due to cancer. She told him she would come back as a butterfly and months later a butterfly turned up and landed on his shoulder one night. Btw, butterflies don’t fly at night. A very touching experience no doubt.

'Better Days' came with a splitting of the crowd in two for some participation and singing along. Having a barefoot Jeremy Marou beside him set an almost spiritual vibe for many in the room. Marou has a very calming presence and what an amazing voice to go with it. These two guys have an unique formula together.
Pete has certainly come a long way since playing covers at friend’s barbecues. We can be very proud of our Pete Murray. Great show – the master of passionate-soul music has done it again.