For the uninitiated, a Peaches live show can be daunting. But in a fun way.
If it's not the overtly sexual natural of her performance – clit rubbing, suggestive stroking and provocative poses are par for the course – then the aggressive, menacing beats that transport you to an industrial, warehouse rave in Brixton circa 1996 will envelope you into the world of Peaches. Or maybe, like last night, you'll be seduced by the dancing vaginas on stage like I was… they looked so velvety.
The Hi-Fi (who are currently rebranding to Max Watt's House Of Music) was bristling with enthusiasm as the main room jostled for dancing space/ viewing; while above, the mezzanine was open (something rare to see on a midweek night) with both bars doing a roaring trade; great to see Brisbane respond to live music on a Wednesday.
Click here for photos from the show.
If you've never seen Peaches live, you really should add her to your bucket list. She appeared from behind the curtain atop an invisible stage at the start of the show – it was the table hosting her CDJs and mixer; kudos to the tech staff… I was certain the sound would be killed at any number of junctures during the show as Peaches gyrated, stomped, straddled, even changed clothes atop the table.

Wearing a costume that David Bowie would be proud to call his own (think a bright orange/ yellow high priestess meets beetle/ insect creature meets sex goddess) Peaches was straight down to business as she played the part of every-person onstage… from DJ and MC, to hype man, tech assistant, prop handler, gym instructor, crowd surfer; she even played the merch girl, pausing the show towards the end to sell t-shirts to much-obliging fans in the front row, though she improved sales substantially by rubbing the shirts on herself first: "who wants some of Peaches c#@t sweat?"
This DIY spirit has inspired a faithful following, and at times last night it felt like we were residing in a church, filled to squirting levels by loyal Peach-a-lists who danced away their Hump Day without a care for the approaching responsibilities of Thursday.

Peaches is an epic performer, who rightfully deserves the plaudits that come her way… she still has the energetic-stage presence to own a crowd (see dousing the moshpit with multiple magnums of champagne throughout the night) while her voice was as sharp as a diamond, and sparkled just as intensely.

Aside from two dancers (props to the Russell Brand lookalike; you made the real Russell seem even more perverted… if that's possible) Peaches ran the entire operation, prowling the stage with a sexual aura and energy that, if bottled, would make an ideal lubricant.
Just a thought Peaches. Australia wants to see you again real soon.
Click here for photos from the show.