Ocean Grove To Release Sophomore Album 'Flip Phone Fantasy' Next Month

Ocean Grove will release their second album 'Flip Phone Fantasy' on 13 March.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Ocean Grove pull us further into their Oddworld with the release of sophomore album, 'Flip Phone Fantasy'.

Having already teased the release with a number of singles from the forthcoming album, Ocean Grove confirm 'Flip Phone Fantasy' will greet the world on Friday 13 March – spooky.

The band also offer yet another taste with latest single 'Thousand Golden People', adding to the melting pot of flavours lifted in the form of tracks 'Ask For The Anthem', 'Sunny', 'Junkie$' and 'Neo'.

“Rather than an album that streamlines in one direction of genre, 'Flip Phone Fantasy' has the capacity to be someone’s very own mixtape from start to finish," fromtman Dale Tanner says.

“This record is the first of its kind, in that its sheer diversity will appeal to music listeners from all corners of the globe.”

Whipped into life over the better part of two years, Ocean Grove – comprising Tanner, bassist Twiggy Hunter, drummer Sam Bassal and guitarist Matt Henley – were determined to see the vision for their second album become fully realised, meticulously self-producing every creative facet they would output.

"The songs on the album have somewhat of a metaphorical undertone for the futuristic mirror image we hoped to embody by the end of the process," Twiggy Hunter says.

"The album is a very intentional blueprint for the changes we wanted to see in ourselves."

Fresh off support duties for The Amity Affliction across Australia in January, Ocean Grove now join Crossfaith on their European-UK tour. Stay tuned for news of their return to home soil to support the release of 'Flip Phone Fantasy'.

'Thousand Golden People' available now. 'Flip Phone Fantasy' is out 13 March.

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