For the past 17 years, Marcus Henriksson has been a man of many monikers, most notably as electronic acts Minilogue and Son Kite.
Having worked on these projects in collaboration with Sebastian Mullaert, Marcus went out on his own in 2013 as Nobody Home. An extension of his own curiosity to explore and expand his sonic boundaries, Nobody Home will be performing at this year's Earth Frequency Festival in February.
For those new to your music, tell us about your solo offering Nobody Home?
Since I am Minilogue and Son Kite, it is maybe not so much big difference except that I am now playing solo. But if there is a difference in the music, I would say that it is now more wide [sic] in its expression. I am not a big fan of putting music into genres and styles, so I leave it up to the listener to say something if they want to do that :-)
You've said of Nobody Home: “Nobody Home – a state of consciousness without ego, without self, and without any separation from the universe, one where we are nobody, and everybody.” You also talk about creating multi-sensory settings for dancers to “free themselves”. The autonomy of music must be very important to you?
Yes. Dancing and getting into trance is important for us human beings. Since the beginning of time we, humans, have a long history of using different methods of inducing altered, heightened or trance-like states. Like the native humans used rituals, drumming, dancing and chanting to get 'into' a trance-like state. Having an inner journey while dancing makes us connect to deeper aspects of ourselves.
In the trance we can let go of stress, psychological problems and also get guidance. But the set and setting has to be right for this to be able to happen. The intention of the dancer has to be on the inner and to explore oneself. Not so much on external things as chatting with friends or getting drunk on the dancefloor. Hypnotic dance music helps to invoke the trance and it can also become the carrier and guide in the trance.
When the rave era started in the beginning of the '90s, the focus was on the gathering and to dance for many hours straight. It was like this for many years. But then the club culture started and the business mind came into the scene. After a few years the rave experience and the focus on the gathering and dancing oneself into trance was kind of lost. I started going to rave gatherings in 1993. It was also the same year as I started to DJ and doing our own rave gatherings. To me the ritualistic aspects was the most important thing. And it is still so today :-)

After close to 20 years making music with Sebastian Mullaert as Son Kite and Minilogue, what motivated you to take the solo path?
It is the same motivation as it always have been. To do what I love and spread my love and passion for dance music to dancefloors around the world.
What are the major differences between your current, solo work and your collaborative projects in the past?
I can be myself completely and express this self without any compromises. Collaborations is great but after 17 years together with Sebastian it was time to move on and explore new parts of life.
Is music a 24/7 occupation for you? Or do you allow yourself time to escape and indulge in other activities?
I love in a house in the woods. No neighbours. I like being close to nature. I also like to explore myself through meditation, yoga and shamanism. I have a deep interest of psychology and like to read books about these matters. I am very curios about the inner worlds and how the human being works. Who are we and where do we come from and what is this we call self?
You are headed to Australia for Earth Frequency and other shows this summer; is Australia a welcome destination for you?
I love Australia and I have been there many times during the years. First time was back in 2001. Since then I guess I have been there once a year or so. Two years ago I stayed for two weeks and rented a camper and drove far out in the desert to Mt Augustus. It was an nice adventure :-)
And I like the Australians and the crowds. I feel they let go easily and want to get into the dance. I have cousins and an aunt living in Australia. They have lived there their whole life. When I was a kid, 10-years old, they came to visit Sweden for a couple of years. My cousins where a few years older than me and they became my idols you could say. They where skateboarding and speaking interesting English. I was very inspired by them as a kid.
My English accent was also very influenced by them, so I remember my teacher asking me why I was speaking like an Australian in school. So I have a bit of Australian in me you could say :-)
Favourite Australian memory?
First time I came to Australia in 2001. It was on an Earthcore event. Far out in the bush. I remember the exotic feeling of being on the other side of planet Earth. Experiencing nature so different compared to the Swedish. And when I looked up into the night sky I could see so deep into our galaxy. The sky was sooo clear and it was just amazing!
I have never seen such a clear, night sky before. And I had never before seen the stars and constellations from this side of the planet. This memory I will never forget. Much love!
Nobody Home plays Earth Frequency at Ivory's Rock (45-minute drive south-west of Brisbane), which takes place 17-20 February.