This was the greatest show on earth! It was a hot, Wednesday night (13 January) when Nightwish came back to Adelaide to a packed house as part of the Endless Forms Most Beautiful tour.
It had been three years since Nightwish had been on Australian shores and as always this brought out the fans.

Taberah at Forum Theatre, Melbourne, 11 January, 2016 - Image © Carl Neumann
The night started off with a bang. Taberah, from Tasmania, opened the night and had the fans jumping. There was even someone in the crowd who tried to start up a chant of “Taberah”; lead singer responded with “maybe next time”.
Their 45-minute set may have been shorter than what they had been playing on tour, but it sure didn’t lack energy or sound. With the energy that Taberah has they are sure to be on the up and up with the ability to win more fans the more they play.
Click here for more photos.
The crowd was still coming into the HQ at a steady rate, but those who were already inside loved it. Next was Voyager, and you could tell by listening to them why they had been asked as main support act for this tour.
They are a high energy, full-paced band from Perth that have a strong sound, which complements the sound that is Nightwish. Voyager, like Taberah, had the crowed pumped and wanting more.

Nightwish - Image © Shayarah Brown
Then came the main event. The lights dimmed even more than they already were, and this strange, eerier glow encapsulated the crowd. As this happened the tension in the room grew. The fans knew the band they were all there to see where about to start and then the first note of 'Roll Tide' (their intro track) started and an almighty cheer went up. It was time.
Nightwish took to the stage and you could feel the goosebumps on the people around you. They started their set with 'Shudder Before The Beautiful', which was full of energy and you could tell that you where going to be in for an awesome show. You could hear the crowd singing along, which added to the atmosphere.

Nightwish - Image © Shayarah Brown
All up Nightwish played six songs from 'Endless Forms Most Beautiful' including the first single of the album, 'Elan'. They had the usual favourites in there, which of course the crowd sang along to, plus they did dig through the vaults and pulled out a rarity – even though the song hadn’t been played in some time, the crowd still knew the words and sang along.
It was great to see Floor interacting with the crowd. She called for the crowd to scream a couple of times and even split the crowd up to see who could scream louder – which fired the crowd up even more. Floor is a great frontwoman and anyone can see that she is a great fit within the band.

Nightwish - Image © Shayarah Brown
People didn’t go away from this concert disappointed, as Nightwish know how to leave the fans wanting more. There is this magic about Nightwish and this comes across really well when they perform live. It was interesting to hear them talk about the summer heat here and the fact that even though it was such a warm, sticky day the fans still braved that to see them.
You can be sure that Nightwish will be back on Australian shores again and they will bring the same energy with them. In the words of Nightwish to the fans: “we are all Endless Forms Most Beautiful”.
Click here for more photos from the show.