In stunning news, Morrissey is annoyed with the Royal Family. Stop me if you think you've heard this one before.
Rather than joining in on the 2Day FM hater bandwagon, The Mozfather has placed the blame for nurse Jacintha Saldanha's suicide firmly at the feet of Kate Middleton.
"Even with the recent story about the nurse killing herself in King Edward Hospital," he told New Zealand's 3News, "there's no blame placed on Kate Middleton, who was in the hospital as far as I could see for absolutely no reason. She feels no shame about the death of this woman, she's saying nothing about the death of this poor woman. The arrogance of the British royals is staggering, absolutely staggering. And why it's allowed to be I really don't know... It wasn't because of two DJs in Australia that this woman took her own life, it was the pressure around her."
Expect a good royal rant or two.
Morrissey Tour Dates
Mon Dec 17 - Brisbane Convention CentreWed Dec 19 - Festival Hall (Melbourne)
Fri Dec 21 - Enmore Theatre (Sydney)
Sat Dec 22 - Sydney Opera House