Monsters Of The Midnight Sun: Ipswich Battle Of The Bands Profile

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

With the final line-up completed in early 2016, Monsters Of The Midnight Sun are a swarm of dirty, stoner rockers that spawned in the swamplands of Brisbane.

Together they produce filthy riffs with blues undertones accompanied with stomping beats and grungy vocal melodies. MOTMS will be competing at the 2nd Annual Ipswich Battle Of The Bands.

Name of band: Monsters Of The Midnight Sun.

Style of music you play?
Hard rock.

Band highlight so far?
Recording some tunes at Alchemix Studio.

The band's influences?
Nirvana, Alice In Chains, Kyuss, Soundgarden, Led Zeppelin.

Which act/ group would you guys love to support?
Violent Soho. They're local lads made good and we like to think we'd be a good fit.

What's the biggest misconception about Ipswich?
That it's too far from Brisbane.

The band's rider includes what?
The Ipswich battle is our first gig! We'll settle for beers at the moment.

Finish this sentence: In 12 months our band will be…
On tour, not sleeping and wearing the same underpants four days in a row (individually... not sharing... maybe some sharing).

Who would be the ultimate person to be the band's spokesperson?
Oprah Winfrey. It'd be cool to hear her yell our name in that way that excites the masses.

Given we have a federal election underway, why should people Vote 1 for MOTMS?
We're prepared to kiss babies in an awkward manner.

Favourite music movie or documentary of all time?
'Parkway Drive - Home Is For The Heartless'. Awesome doco that shows how life is on the road for an Aussie band.

If you had no budget constraints, what would you add, incorporate into your live show?
Pyrotechnics. Amon Amarth play with a big viking ship on their stage. Maybe we can incorporate that too?

We spend too much time on this website/ app?
Instagram. We are just starting out and doing some self promotion. It gets very addictive.

Can you tell scenestr a joke?
What's the difference between a drummer and a podiatrist? A podiatrist bucks up your feet.

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