Australia Day Memories With Major Leagues

Major Leagues
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Ahead of their Australia Day performance at The Elephant this weekend, Major Leagues’ Jacob Knauth shares some of his 'favourite' Australia Day memories.

Most of my Australia Days have been horrible, boring occasions spent avoiding those parties where you barely know anyone because you had a stupid girlfriend with stupid friends you never expected you’d have to smash stubbies with. It’s one thing to be ironic about declaring your love for XXXX Bitter, but it’s another thing having to listen to someone who really thinks it’s the greatest beer ever made.

It hasn’t all been tragic; my first Australia Day fresh out of home was spent at some run down sharehouse. It had a pool covered in leaves that ten of us floated around in paying little attention to the Hottest 100. This girl made a huge, cold pasta and everyone threw on some records — that was a great Australia Day.

I’m all for music becoming the centre of attention on Australia Day, even if people get all up in arms about the dance artists taking over the charts and destroying their dreams of times when Joy Division held first place for two years in a row.

There should be more musically-focused national holidays, even an awareness day. Get a petition going for ‘Bring your favourite record to work day’; even ‘Vegemite Day’.

Major Leagues will be joined by Cub Sport, Millions and Lunatics On Pogosticks on Australia Day at The Elephant in Brisbane.

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