Lostprophets Split Amid Sexual Offence Charges

Ian Watkins, formerly of Lostprophets
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With Lostprophets frontman Ian Watkins awaiting trial on a total of 24 sexual offence charges, the band's split comes as no real surprise.

The charges include shocking claims such as two counts of baby rape, conspiracy to rape a child and conspiracy to sexually assault another.

The band's Facebook statement released early this morning reads: “After nearly a year of coming to terms with our heartache, we finally feel ready to announce publicly what we have thought privately for some time. We can no longer continue making or performing music as Lostprophets. Your love and support over the past 15 years has been tremendous, and we'll be forever grateful for all you've given us. As we look forward to the next phase of our lives, we can only hope to be surrounded by people as devoted and inspiring as you guys have been.”

Watkins' plea hearing was held at Cardiff Crown Court in June this year, where he denied all charges.

He was placed on suicide watch pre-trial in August, with his lawyer Sally O'Neill revealing that he needs help and should be moved to a psychiatric hospital.

"He has been seen by a clinical psychologist and she believes he should be receiving anti-psychotic medication," she said. "She wants him to be taken to a secure hospital for assessment and treatment. He is on suicide watch five times an hour."

Facebook rally page 'Ian Watkins is innocent' doesn't appear to be doing him any favours, with the most recent post stating: "This is outrageous! The fact that Ian is feeling so depressed over all of this is a clear indication of his innocence! Everyone knows that people who commit these atrocious acts are incapable of feeling fear when it comes to their judgement. Guilty people do not try to commit suicide, they try to commit the same crimes again!"

The trial is currently set to be held later this year, we will have to wait and see what direction the former band members choose to take from here.

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