Lime Cordiale Have Had Enough Of Your Sweet Talk

Lime Cordiale
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

With the release today of their new album 'Enough Of The Sweet Talk', Lime Cordiale recently sat down to discuss their writing process, the band's upcoming tour with 'nemesis' Ball Park Music, and the kooky crowds they draw.

"'Enough Of The Sweet Talk' is structured as though it's taking us through the course of a relationship in chronological order," bass player, trumpeter and vocalist Louis Leimbach says. "The innocent, early days, the learning, the love, the doubt, the conflict and the realisation of loss."

Louis spoke about how they wrote this album, taking a dual lens to that evergreen topic – love. "It's interesting because there's two writers, right? Two brothers, definitely not in the same relationship – these songs are all from different times and different experiences and different people over the years.

"Anyone that's listening to the album should be able to relate to it and tie it to their own experiences."

During the recording process, Lime Cordiale went on a mammoth tour across Europe, forcing them to write on the road instead of their usual habitat. "We went over to Europe, and we toured Europe for six months without coming home, and it was like, that was kind of a good break that we needed," Louis says.

"We thought we were gonna go in and finish the album in two months, but yeah, we didn't, it just didn't work like that. We got a lot done, and we kept having these big chunks of working, mainly up at our farm and a place called The Grove on the Central Coast, we did a lot there.

"It was like this Frankenstein approach where we just pieced together little bits, but I think we've always overthought the [writing] process, and we always wig out at some point. It's all part of the creative process. It's pretty challenging at times, and then you have, like, massive highs as well."

Over the past year and a half, Lime Cordiale chose to release half the album as singles because in Louis' words: "We like to milk each song as much as we can before a release; you drop 14 songs, and it's quite a lot for people to digest in one go."

Louis also reflected on their crowds across the world and how different they are. "The Irish are wild. The Germans are, like, super enthusiastic, but they're just very still when you're playing.

"Aussies are super fun, they're probably one of the wildest crowds. You know, everyone's having a big night out at a show, and they're wild when they're overseas as well.

"I guess every Australian overseas is on holiday, so, you're somewhere beautiful like Prague or somewhere like that, and there's like, these Aussie crowds being like, 'shoey!'. . . shoey. You're just like, 'alright, you're standing out like a sore thumb'."

Before announcing the Australian Enough Of The Sweet Talk tour, Lime Cordiale orchestrated an online feud with Brisbane-based band Ball Park Music. The 'beef' started with accusations of Lime Cordiale stealing the bassline of Ball Park Music's 'Coming Down' and using it on their 'Inappropriate behaviour'.

In Ollie's words: "That wasn't fake. They suck. I hate them." Louis reenters the conversation to pour cold water on Ollie's statement. "They're so good with it because we were talking about it, and they were just like, 'yeah, let's do that'.

"Then it was like, okay. Do we need to, I don't know, have a safe word, or delete comments if there's some sh.t thrown at you or sh.t thrown at us, and they were like, 'No. no. no. Bring it on. Let's just let them', and it's kinda gnarly."

- written by Dante Griffith

Lime Cordiale & Ball Park Music 2024 Tour Dates

Thu 3 Oct - HBF Stadium (Perth)
Sat 5 Oct - Adelaide Entertainment Centre
Tue 8 Oct - John Cain Arena (Melbourne)
Fri 11 Oct - ICC Sydney Theatre
Sun 13 Oct - The Riverstage (Brisbane)

To celebrate the album release the band will be heading to various record stores down the east coast to meet fans.

Enough Of The Sweet Talk Listening Parties

Sun 28 Jul - HUM Newtown (Sydney)* 1-3pm
Wed 31 Jul - Oh! Jean (Melbourne)* 2:30-4:30pm
Thu 1 Aug - Rocking Horse Records (Brisbane)* 2:30-4:30pm

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