KB Theory: 5 Questions The Band Are Asked Most Often

Brisbane band KB Theory
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

What would it sound like if you crossed Australian classic noughties rock with catchy pop?

Say hello to KB Theory. The Brisbane band have been introducing their sound to local audiences for the past year.

Singer-songwriter Dylan Cattanach loved the sound that noughties bands had produced. “Thirsty Merc was a big influence,” he says. “I still remember seeing them at the Caloundra Music Festival and I was on a high afterwards; they were that good.”

Ahead of a string of local shows and the release of their new single 'Lights Of Tokyo' on 16 February, KB Theory tell us the 5 most-asked questions the band receive.

1. Has the drummer got a girlfriend?

Well, we’re not going to tell you that, so you’ll have to get along to our show to see just how damn cute he really is. But this really is the first question all the girls come up to ask.

2. Is the lead singer’s hair natural?

He wishes he could say no, but yes. Orange is the new black.

3. Is the lead guitarist 18 yet?

Not long now. Party time in March just in time for our single launch at Black Bear Lodge. Haz will be able to sit inside a venue instead of waiting outside on the footpath and we have to take turns sitting with him.

4. Is your bass guitarist ok?

He does have a revolutionary dance style. He’s the Peter Garrett of KB Theory.

5. What does KB Theory mean?

If you ask six people, you might get the answer. Needless to say our original name choice was taken, so it morphed into KB Theory.

KB Theory Tour Dates

Thu 8 Feb - Tomcat (Brisbane)
Thu 15 Feb - Bloodhound Bar (Brisbane)
Fri 2 Mar - Ric's Bar (Brisbane)
Wed 14 Mar - Black Bear Lodge (Brisbane - single launch party)
Fri 6 Apr - Heya Bar (Brisbane)

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