Justin Bieber Turns Himself In

Justin Bieber
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Here we go again.

Justin Bieber has turned himself in to Toronto police to face charges of assaulting a limo driver.

The Toronto Star reports that Bieber arrived to a screaming crowd of young girls (as most people do when they hand themselves over to the law), and was ushered through a side door at the Toronto police station. 

Toronto police have been looking into accusations that a member of Bieber's entourage assaulted a limo driver since December. At the time, police said it was unclear whether Bieber himself was invovled.

While it would have been infinitely more exciting for everybody if The Biebs had chosen to go on the lam, the officers on duty still got some chuckles out of the situation. "Looks like Lindsay Lohan has competition now," one told the Star.

Earlier in the day, the 19-year-old pop sensation (whose songs nobody actually knows) pleaded not guilty in Florida to charges of driving under the influence. He also pleaded not guilty to resisting arrest and driving with an expired license.

As if that wasn't enough to cement his unlikely 'bad boy' image, Bieber is still under investigation for felony vandalism in Los Angeles County over an egg-tossing incident that damaged his neighbour's home.

So, how long until he kills a guy?

(Via New York Post)

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