Justin Bieber Arrested For DUI

Beebing Over The Limit
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Justin Bieber has been arrested and charged on suspicion of DUI after failing to supply a breath specimen in Miami.

Thursday's arrest also included claims that the 19-year-old singer was drag racing in a rented Lamborghini, according to MTV, via NBC Miami. A tweet from the Miami Police Department confirmed the arrest.

Miami Dade-Police spokesman Sgt. Bobby Hernandez told WSVN-TV Florida that officers saw two cars racing and a further two vehicles apparently had been used to block off an area to race. He says the second car was a red Ferrari, and that driver was also arrested. Both cars were towed.

Sgt Hernandez said 19-year-old Bieber failed a field sobriety test and was taken to the Miami Beach police station for a Breathalyser test and processing. Bieber will be transported soon to the Miami-Dade County jail.

It's been a busy four weeks for Bieber, having both announced his retirement as a singer and being questioned by police over allegations he had egged a neighbour's property.


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