Jesse Rose: Good Kid, Mad British

Jesse Rose
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Jesse Rose is a modern-day Confucius; a walking, talking fortune cookie.

"The day that you think that you have nothing to learn is the day that you should give up." It's a mantra that most of us, perhaps, would do well to live by. Rose certainly does; it seems he can't even see a live show without feeling the pins-and-needles tingle of quiet inspiration.

Even rappers have been known to teach him a thing or two. "I saw [Kendrick Lamar] perform in LA, it was pretty amazing. There was about 6,000 people at this concert, and it felt like they all went to school with him. They were just the maddest fans I've ever seen. He had this amazing stage set-up where he'd taken what his grandma's house looked like and recreated it on the stage, and then put visuals inside the house... I'm just about to launch a new project, and I want to use a similar set-up when it's performed live."

This 'project' is allegedly so 'new' that it still smells like mint-scented car freshener. So new that Rose didn't want to give too much away, although it will be fresh out of the oven come festival season. "I've got an album coming out which is more like I've produced a band, with a singer and a rapper... it's an interesting mix like Basement Jaxx or Major Lazer. We're performing it right after launching it in January... the album's being mixed right now!"

On the face of it, it does seem a little odd that Rose (or any Brit for that matter) would choose to launch an album in the Colonies. But the man has an unbreakable affinity with Australia, one that is yet to be tarnished by listening to Kyle Sandilands. Perhaps it's best that Rose is kept in the dark.

"I've been down about ten times, mainly for the festivals. To be honest with you, playing festivals in Australia is just the most fun thing you can do. People just go absolutely nuts, it's mental. Obviously in Europe the scene is bigger, but when I come down [to Australia] and play I always have my heads that are into house music so I always feel comfortable."

Tue Jan 01 — Field Day @ The Domain (Sydney)
Tue Jan 01 — Summadayze @ Sidney Myer Music Bowl (Melbourne)
Sat Jan 05 — Summafieldayze @ Doug Jennings Park (Gold Coast)
Sun Jan 06 — Summadayze @ Patersons Stadium (Perth)

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