Jamie Jefferies' Show Of A Lifetime

Jamie Jefferies
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

A one-time only performance at Anywhere Festival, Jamie Jefferies is putting on a show of a lifetime.

Anywhere Festival is an annual Brisbane-based performance taking place anywhere but traditional spaces. Brisbane local, Jamie Jefferies will be performing a 70-minute original musical called, 'Of A Lifetime'. Throughout the performance, Jefferies will be accompanied by actors, singers and also a pre-recorded set from his band oaL.

'Of A Lifetime' is a musical about a boy named Andy who finds himself in a windfall, which leads him to a run-down old house called 'Lifetime'. The house holds a self-sufficient 'mysterious community' of people who speak in an ancient language and who appear to be lost in time. oaL will play an on-stage DJ set of 20 original songs to go alongside the musical.

How long have you been making and performing music?
25+ years. I use to be in garage bands but found musicals a platform to combine my stories and music.

What influenced you to be involved with the performance industry?
From the fantastic performers I have met to the ancient form of entertainment.

Of A LifetimeHow did the concept for the performance 'Of A Lifetime' start?
With the reconciliation of many short stories and songs I had written. One Sunday afternoon with a smooth red wine Act 1 was born with many of the songs finding there own home in the story – yes, it was a great feeling.

The show synopsis says: 'mysterious community of people who speak in a strange ancient language.' Can the audience expect to hear a strange ancient language?
The community – lost in time – have been here (Paddington Brisbane) for over 150+ years. I commissioned Katrine Wong who was studying Shakespearean Plays at Manchester Uni to give the translation a late medieval spin, perchance before modern English

All 20 songs from your musical are original; what is your writing process?
I have a library of my songs that I can draw on when I require a certain rhythm and melody and modify the lyrics (write into) to the story OR purpose write a song as it rises out of the story it self – that is a luxury for the creatives. 'For My Heart Is Open' is one of many that had to be custom created for the page in the musical 'Of A Lifetime', if the musical was not there, neither would have the song etc..

With the five actors in the production also being singers, was this easy to cast?
With Producer Justin Brown of Browndog Productions, we have bought together a strong ensemble. Having the script and music is evidence the singers/actors need to confirm this is a going concern.

Is this the first time performing this musical piece to a live audience?
No, but I was fortunate Liz Morris of the Villanova Players company at Morningside directed and showcased Act 1 in front of their members and guests. Song-only performances three times at The Royal George Hotel, next to Ric's Cafe where my 20-song show from my musical is on 18 May.

What have you received personally from being apart of this musical and having the opportunity to perform it?
Meeting the fantastic local performers with so much talent to offer is a life changer. To create the ancient, present (a snap-shot in time) to the future, vehicle of entertainment – my musical 'Of A Lifetime'.

What can the audience expect to take home?
A void in time, a story to reflect, singing, humming, toe tapping with a 'mysterious community lost in time' last chorus from the song 'Spacetime'. May the ending fine, portal in time, ladies and gentlemen, I give you 'Of A Lifetime' – it ROCKS.

'Of A Lifetime' performs Ric's Bar 18 May as part of Anywhere Festival which runs 5-21 May.

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