Is This The Most Racist Music Video Ever?

Levy Tran
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Day Above Ground, who are apparently a band of some sort (we honestly have no fucking idea), have released a music video that's already being 'hailed' as the most racist ever.

The Huffington Post has branded it potentially "the most racist thing ever", which, to be fair, is exactly the sort of accusation that The Huffington Post throws around lightly.

In the video, the band — who have all been shrunk down, despite the notable absence of Rick Moranis — are trapped in a bird cage, while model Levy Tran strips down to her lingerie. While this is happening, the band are singing about fried rice, a long string of Asian stereotypes, and "butt fucking all night"; eventually, Tran takes the miniature band members to the bathroom where they 'pleasure' her while she enjoys a bubble bath.

You can watch the clip here, but be warned — it's Not Safe For Work, Home or Life:

Levy Tran already regrets taking part in the clip, tweeting her sincere apologies to "all who feels that I set Asian women back 50 yrs". The band themselves have defended the video with this explanation:

The song is us, Day Above Ground, making fun of ourselves (and many, many other guys) obsession with the always lovely, Asian Woman. It pushes this concept t an absurd level, but at the same time is endearing & submissive... WE ARE NOT RACIST, HAHA! I mean, look at our band, it's multicultural!! The guy in the bow-tie, our cutie bass player, was born in Indonesia, and he steals the show!! Please don't take this tongue-in-cheek tribute to some of the most gorgeous women on the planet too seriously!! You'll ruin the fun of it all!! Thanks for watching, sincerely!!

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