Signed to Candyrat Records in the US, Van Larkins plays a modern fusion of traditional styles with a one-man band approach, incorporating bass, rhythm, melody and harmony.
I sound like...
Andy McKee , Antoine Dufour, Michael Hedges.
My first gig was...
In an old, tin shed in Western Australia where I grew up; not that I've ever grown up.
When did you settle on the group's name, and was it a unanimous decision...
My father gave me my middle name Van, so when I decided to compose and perform full time, all I had to do was drop my first name to sound legit.
In the studio I usually...
Spend the first hour identifying every little squeak and creek in every chair and floorboard, as I use really sensitive microphones to record my French 'Chatelier guitar.
If I could tour with anyone...
It would have to be Tommy Emmanuel. I mean seriously, that guy has been doing 300+ shows a year for as long as I can remember, that's what you call a working musician.
Social media is...
Incredibly necessary. Not just in the audio realm, but visual too. Posting photos on Instagram, new videos on YouTube and tour updates on Facebook let the fans know I'm still active.
My favourite app at the moment is (why?)...
Probably Trello. It syncs with all of my devices and calendar, so all I have to think about on a daily basis is music.
To date, my most embarrassing moment was the time...
My capo fell off while playing a show in Canada opening for legendary finger-style guitarist Don Ross.
Life on the road can be...
Tiring, but apart from that a lot of fun! Nothing beats a good tour story.
If you'll have me on your bill, all I ask is that our rider contains...
A generous variety of cheeses, room temperature, please and thank you.

The most scary scenario I've found myself in, was...
Playing guitar at the Canadian Guitar Festival. The audience was full of amazing guitarists I had been watching on YouTube for years.
What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be spokesperson of the band (why?)...
Christopher Walken for sure, he makes everything sound cool.
Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party (why?)...
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us?
I love to cook! I'd probably fry-up salmon with the skin on, topped with cracked pepper and lemon juice with a side of rocket and baby potatoes. Gotta keep it light to save room for cake.
No matter the expense, send me a case of...
La Fin du Monde from Montreal, the best craft beer I have ever tasted.

The last time I saw the inside of a gym was...
About a week ago, it kicked my arse.
What's the one chore you dislike the most?
Hanging the washing out, I mean seriously, who has time for that?
Do you have any phobias... please explain?
I have a mild phobia of bull-ants after sitting in a nest of them when I was two-years old... evil little buggers.
Would you ever partake in a reality show?
Sure, why not? Probably 'Survivor'; I'd run amok!
If you could prank any of your friends, who's your target, and how are you bringing them down?
I'd prank my mate Steve by replacing all of his favourite DVDs with personal-hygiene infomercials.
Van Larkins plays The City Sounds in Brisbane with shows at Post Office Square 3 July (midday) and a CBD pop-up 5 July (10am).