Introducing Tusk

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Brisbane rockers Tusk will be joined by Hobo Magic for a night of classic, heavy rock n roll at The Bearded Lady next weekend.

But who is Tusk… We’re a bunch of close mates brought together by similar passions and musical tastes. Currently pushing through the Brisbane music scene with brute force.

We sound like... We’ve been compared to so many different styles and music, but generally stoner desert rock with elements of heavy prog rock.

Our first gig was... The beautiful Tempo Hotel. Hope they open back up soon.

When did you settle on the group’s name, and was it a unanimous decision... For so long we went without a name because we hadn’t really hit the scene yet, but after throwing a few crazy words and themes around we landed Tusk.

In the studio we usually... Talk excessive amounts of shit during set up, smash out a warm up, work on songs and if there’s time have a sweet jam.

If we could tour with anyone... Queens Of The Stone Age, Puscifer, Violent Soho, Truckfighters, … the list goes on.

Social media is... Dead end friends.

To date, our most embarrassing moment was the time... We had a gig on Australia Day; [we] hit the beers pretty hard during the day then went to the show. Started setting up. We’d forgotten leads, pedals, straps. We looked pretty dope in Hawaiian shirts though.

Life on the road can be... If you call driving to gigs on the road, then pretty awesome. Our gear up song is ‘Kiss From A Rose’ by Seal.

If you’ll have us on your bill, all we ask is that our rider contains... A massive crowd filled with insane fellas and loose ladies, and a jug of beer of course.

Jug Of Beer
The most scary scenario we’ve found ourselves in, was... Our first gig, not because we were nervous but because one of us was running insanely late. Organisation and communication is key children.

What celebrity would you love to be spokesperson of the band... Harrison Ford… ‘Blade Runner’.

Harrison Blade Runner
Tusk play alongside Hobo Magic at The Bearded Lady Saturday May 31.

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