Tim Loydell is a Brisbane-based songwriter and guitarist. His music and performance can be described as folk songs meet hip hop and spoken word as he fosters an awareness of social, cultural and environmental factors.
Who is Tim Loydell... Guitarist, writer, newlywed father. Years back I played with the Deckchairs before we lost our best member to ‘love’. Actually that's probably a cop out, if I wasn’t such a dick it might have all worked out fine. I then did a concept album as T.J. Quinton which critics around the world raved about but sold fuck-all copies really. I got some sweet gigs, then the phone stopped ringing and well, I guess it’s time for another album. Because I’m a sucker for punishment I’m going to follow up with a second concept album. There’s also a bunch of secret releases out there which are gnarly but you’ll have to search.
I sound like… People say John Butler. But that’s because people are #?*! idiots and can’t see past a 12-string guitar (it's actually 10) and long hair. If more people knew their #?*! they’d know that I have virtually copied every one of my licks from Leo Kottke. I’m also a way better rapper than JB (see secret releases).
My first gig was... Umm Edinburgh I think? Whistle Binkies.
When did you settle on the group's name, and was it a unanimous decision… The thing about being a #?*! is that eventually you end up as a solo artist and no-one #?*! with your creative decisions. Mind you T.J. Quinton is a #?*! name. Please don’t ever call me T.J.
In the studio I usually… Realise I’m not as good as I thought I was.
If I could tour with anyone… I would tour with anyone.
Social media is… An oxymoron.
My favourite app at the moment is... Tinder. Haha #?*! that. I should probably now mention that I’ve already fibbed a couple of times here already and that I’m not newlywed or a father. In fact I’m optimistically single but if you’re an interested female/ male and you’re on Tinder you can forget about it.
To date, my most embarrassing moment was the time… I didn’t realise I’d been booked to play a memorial service; I mean it was already a weird gig and it didn’t resemble a memorial service but I thought it was someone's anniversary and gave the deceased chap a cheery shout-out on the mic. Naturally I refused to take responsibility and fired my agent instead.
Life on the road can be… A problem if you’re concerned about climate change.
If you'll have me on your bill, all I ask is that our rider contains… A substitute performer.
The most scary scenario I've found myself in, was… Oh Jesus, which one? Nearly got stabbed by bikkies once, battled a ghost in WA, the time our bass player nearly died jumping off a bridge? Honestly every January 26 probably takes the cake.
What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be spokesperson of the band (why?)... Holy #?*! imagine Noam Chomsky. Dry but so awesome.

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party (why?)... Can you really have a dinner party with only three people? It sounds awkward.
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? Depends on what you brought with you.
No matter the expense, send me a case of… Mistaken identity.
The last time I saw the inside of a gym was… Late last year I toured a project with some awesome chaps and got put up in Sydney in the office above a gym. Early mornings equalled bad music and guilt.
What's the one chore you dislike the most? Filling out interview questions. You know you have to do it but farrrrrrrrrk!
Do you have any phobias... please explain? You would think that daily confrontation would take the edge off a phobia but our mainstream propagation of consumerism, white supremacy and male dominance freaks the #?*! out of me. If you just read that and scoffed, feeling that white supremacy and male dominance are cliched jingoisms touted by serial complainers, then you are probably upper middle class white and male. #?*! you.
Would you ever partake in a reality show? If so, what type? No I don't think so :)
If you could prank any of your friends, who's your target, and how are you bringing them down? Colin Barnett isn’t actually my friend but I’d like to swap the address of anyone of 150 remote indigenous communities scheduled for closure with his.
TJ Quinton will be performing at Milano, Queen Street Mall this Friday 6 March from 4.30pm as part of The City Sounds music program.