The Pretty Littles are a four-piece rock band from Melbourne.
When asked what they sound like, the band respond: “Two of us are dragons and the other two are knights on the eternal quest to rescue the princess. Makes things difficult but dragons are pretty rad so we make do. Knights are pretty stoic or whatever, but they’re shit to party with.”
After support gigs with Cosmic Psychos, Bad Dreems and The Smith Street Band, The Pretty Littles will launch their latest single, ‘Tegan Victoria’, this Friday August 8.
Our first gig was... At the Barley Corn in Melbourne. I think lots of people did their first gig there. It was as a three-piece and we had electric guitar and acoustic guitar but no bass and the drummer played a box.

When did you settle on the group's name, and was it a unanimous decision... Farken worst name. I think I was 19 at the time. What can ya do. It was a unanimous feeling of ‘that will do’.
In the studio we usually... Eat Doritos and watch ‘South Park’.
If we could tour with anyone... The Vasco Era. Velvet Underground? Is that allowed?

Social media is... An unfortunate reality.
My favourite app at the moment is... Flashlight gets me pretty excited.
To date, our most embarrassing moment was the time... We got stoned because we were nervous and then couldn’t get from the verse to the chorus because we forgot and then we just stopped.
Life on the road can be... We haven’t done a whole lot. Few trips to Sydney and Adelaide. The trip up is great! The trip back can be a bit slow.
If you'll have us on your bill, all we/ I ask is that our rider contains... Maybe ‘Mario Kart’? That would be pretty epic.
The most scary scenario we've found ourselves in, was... Well this one time we were being haunted by the ghost of Gina Rinehart, but then we realised it was just a big piece of shit and not to be afraid even thought it stunk real bad and was gross to look at.
What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be spokesperson of the band... Brett Kirk I reckon. He does some funny speeches. Also I love him.

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party... Harry Croft, Huw Apted and Luke Spinks. They are my housemates so it would be easy to prepare. Plus we have an ongoing group message so knowing what time/ what to bring would be really easy to manage.
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? What time? Morning? Porridge or maybe a poachy. Lunch? Not a lot… might need to have a poke a round… could do a salad or baked beans? Dinner? It wouldn’t be very lavish. Maybe an honest shepherds pie if it were a cold night.
Damn the expense, send me a case of... Spaghetti or ginger beer. Both. You said fuck the expense, right?
The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... The other day when I was watching people from the pool bit. People at the gym is the funniest.
What's the one chore you dislike the most? Probably cleaning my dad’s armpits. That sucks.
The Pretty Littles launch ‘Tegan Victoria’ at the Northcote Social Club Friday August 8.