Introducing Soul-R&B Indie Artist SHANN.N

SHANN.N is the solo moniker of Melbourne-based soul artist Shannen Wick (Fulton Street).
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Frontwoman for Melbourne soul outfit Fulton Street, Shannen Wick has stepped into her own spotlight as SHANN.N with the release last month of her debut solo single 'Love Dressed Down'.

A local live powerhouse known for bringing the party grooves (witness 'Young People', 'Check Yourself' irl for living proof), Fulton Street have graced such stages as Boogie Festival, Caloundra Music Festival, St Kilda Festival, and Brunswick Music Festival, plus many more.

'Love Dressed Down' is the first step by Shannen focusing on her own artistry especially the storytelling aspect of songwriting, with SHANN.N's original material inhabiting similar sonic landscapes to Lianne La Havas, Corinne Bailey Rae, and H.E.R.

A collaboration with producer-musician PattyBoomba, 'Love Dressed Down' is a song written about the decline of a long-term relationship exploring themes of disappointment, introspection and healing. Shannen's velvety, syrupy vocals add an emotional intensity that is tangible.

"With nods to the likes of Lianne La Havas and Beyonce, the lyrics tell a relatable story of feeling alone in a relationship and how over time, a lack of care can culminate in a 'stripping back' of love," Shannen says.

Who is SHANN.N? With rich songwriting and powerful vocal abilities, SHANN.N is reminiscent of the energetic queens of soul music past.

I sound like... Lianne La Havas, Corinne Bailey Rae, H.E.R. and Jorja Smith.

When did you settle on your artist name? It came to me one day in the shower. The meaning behind SHANN.N is threefold; it can be read as my name (Shannen or Shan), as my loved ones call me. Additionally, it was easy to omit the 'e' as my name is often misspelt as Shannon.

In the studio I usually... Like to record my vocals in the dark. It makes me feel like I’m in a live setting.

If I could tour with anyone... Silk Sonic.

Social media is... A nice way to connect, but *can* be exhausting. As an artist, it's a great tool to promote yourself, but there's always that pressure to share interesting content, post regularly, etc.

My favourite app at the moment is... It's been Instagram for awhile now. The algorithm knows me too well. I love watching videos relating to music, art, fashion, hair and make-up. Who can go past a good meme or some animal content too?!

To date, my most embarrassing moment was the time... A few guys invited me to their gig. When I asked them where they were playing, they replied: "Margaret Court Arena." I didn't realise I was talking to the band Incubus!

Life on the road can be... Exhausting for an introvert!

If you'll have me on your bill, all I ask is that my rider contains... Tea and honey. I also love a good packet of Kettle chilli potato chips.

To date, my most treasured gig moment was the time... I met Bernard Purdie. At the end of the gig, he came up to me with the kindest of words. We exchanged each other's vinyl LPs and he even asked me to sign his copy.

What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be your spokesperson... Viola Davis. She is an incredible woman who advocates for others. I really feel like she would have her team's back.

If you had to live in a city abroad, where would you choose and why? Potentially London. I've been hearing some great things about the music scene there. Plus, it would be a gateway to travel around more of Europe!

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party... Chris Tucker, Jackie Chan and Kevin Hart. We grew up with so many of their movies. Not to mention, we wouldn't be short on laughter throughout the night.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? Spanish paella.

When it comes to pets are you a lover or hater of our furry friends? I'm a lover, not a fighter.

No matter the expense, send me a case of... Your finest cheeses.

The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... Truth be told, I've never seen the inside of a gym. I prefer to head to the beach or park for a walk or (occasional) run.

Do you have any phobias... I recently discovered I'm afraid of wind turbines. I was driving to a wedding in country Victoria when I came across a wind farm. They slowly appeared on the horizon, one by one. The sheer size of them and the way they turned creeped me out. Don't get me wrong though, I'm all for renewable energy!

Best local restaurant for a midnight feed that will leave you with a food coma? If I'm craving a snack post-rehearsal or gig, I'll usually head to Pancake Parlour for their deluxe fries.

Which song best describes your personality? Cleo Sol's 'Why Don't You'. As I mentioned briefly before, I'm a huge introvert. Moreover, I'm a Cancerian; we are quite sensitive and emotional beings.

Last show you binge-watched? 'Breaking Bad'. I was super late to the party; I only watched it at the end of last year. The writing, acting and character development had me absolutely hooked from start to finish!

SHANN.N 2024 Tour Dates

Sat 3 Feb - Festivale (Launceston)* with Vanessa Amorosi
Sun 4 Feb - Brunswick Ballroom (Melbourne)* with Jack Earle Band
Sat 10 Feb - Twilight Sounds @ Heidelberg Park Oval (Melbourne)* with Fulton Street
Sat 24 Feb - Eltham Jazz Festival (Melbourne)* with Fulton Street

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