Introducing Singer-Songwriter ALETHIA

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Colombian-born, Naarm-based singer ALETHIA is known for her dreamy, sultry singing voice and powerful Latin-soul music.

Late last month she released her debut, self-titled album, 'Alethia'. Having lived in Australia for six years now, ALETHIA has created a strong community around her. Over the years she has garnered attention with nominations for the Music Victoria Awards (2023), and the Latin Grammys.

The album is a four-act tour guide through the human condition and the artist's life while also moving through different genres. Roots, the first act, explores being born and learning to belong through Latin pop. Moving to reggae and R&B, Nostalgia dwells on the past, grateful for the experiences it offers.

Love is a collection of dub and drum & bass tracks that explore trust, connection, and self-love that's crucial to navigating the world. The final act, Hope, has ALETHIA leaning into psychedelic rock and explores unity and the closing of the circle, appreciating the past, present, and anticipating the future.

Who is... Alethia is an artist committed to creating music that speaks to the soul and aims to heal through music. My journey into music began with my father, a passionate music lover and creative artist. He would tell me stories about playing music to my mum's belly while she was pregnant with me.

Additionally, I got into music through musical theatre, which was my first experience performing onstage. It's always felt like a safe space for me to express myself.

I sound like... This is a tricky one because I don't think I sound exactly like anyone else. However, my music is influenced by artists like Sade, Lauryn Hill, Pink Floyd, Billie Holiday, Etta James, Queen, The Beatles, Amy Whinehouse, and Latin artists like Kali Uchis and Natalia Lafourcade. I believe their sounds and energies have inspired me and helped shape my unique sound.

My first gig was... Under the name ALETHIA, my first gig in Melbourne was at The Catfish with my dear friend Zye, who I met while studying performance at uni. However, my very first gigs, where I played my own music and some covers, were at a bar called El Monje when I was about 17 years old in my home town Bogota, Colombia.

When did you settle on your artistic name? I decided to change my previous name, Alethia Gomez, to just ALETHIA when I moved to Australia. I wanted a fresh start and felt that using just my first name would help me find who I wanted to be, separate from my family and past.

In the studio I usually... Love to take my shoes off to connect with the ground. I enjoy working with someone by my side because people who believe in your potential and push you to give your best help my music, songs, and voice flow more easily and effectively.

If I could tour with anyone... I would love to tour with Chet Faker, FKJ, Hiatus Kaiyote, John Mayer, or a cool reggae band like Fat Freddy's Drop or Cultura Profética from Puerto Rico.

Social media is... A crazy universe of love, hate, creativity, negative news, and fashionable items. It's also a way many of us find gigs and meet other creatives.

My favourite app at the moment is... Actually, it's ChatGPT. It saves me a lot of time when doing admin tasks.

To date, my most embarrassing moment was the time... I was heading to a gig and called my keyboardist to ask where he was. He told me we had played the day before! It was hilarious, and thankfully, it wasn't far away.

Life on the road can be... An incredible adventure. I haven't experienced it yet, but my first tour will be this year around Australia, and I still can't believe it's happening! I'm looking forward to new experiences, meeting fans, and seeing different parts of this country.

If you'll have me on your bill, all I ask is the rider contains... Good equipment, people with positive and easy energy to talk to, an organised schedule, proper time for soundcheck, and ginger tea with honey.

The most scary scenario I've found myself in was... When I was about 15, I did a concert with a kids' band, and the foldbacks stopped working. I couldn’t hear myself and sang out of tune, which almost caused me to panic. I eventually found the right notes, but there were a few horrible moments. The director talked to me about it after the show, and I was so embarrassed.

What celebrity/famous person would you love to be your spokesperson... Zoë Kravitz. She embodies a unique blend of artistic talent, individuality, and authenticity that resonates with my music's core values.

Zoë's work as an actress, singer, and fashion icon showcases her versatility and creativity, which aligns perfectly with the eclectic and soulful nature of my sound. Her influence in both the music and film industries would help us reach a broader audience while maintaining our artistic integrity.

If you had to live in a city abroad, where would you choose and why? Either in Italy or LA. I want to live in those places for a bit at some point.

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party... My brothers, because I just love them and they understand me, and my dear friend Isa from Colombia, whom I haven't seen in years but whose energy is wonderful and real.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook for us? Arepas, the best Colombian dish ever, with guacamole.

When it comes to pets are you a lover or hater of our furry friends? I am obsessed with cats. I love dogs too, but cats are on another level for me. They are so mystical.

The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... Probably a couple of days ago. I went to a jacuzzi and sauna, and the gym was close by. I don't really like gyms; my exercises are more outside jogging or at home. Dancing is also my gym.

What's the one chore you dislike the most? Probably cooking. I like it sometimes, but it's not my favourite.

Do you have any phobias... Just cockroaches. I just can't stand them.

Would you ever partake in a reality show? Funny question! I thought I never would, but someone approached me in Colombia in 2013, and I ended up being part of 'The Voice' back home. It was pretty crazy. I made it to the last 15 people, but questioned a lot of things about it. I did meet some lovely musicians, though.

Best local takeaway joint for a midnight feed that will leave you with a food coma? I don't do much takeaway, but I'd probably go to Lord Of The Fries. I love that it's vegan.

Which fictional character best describes your personality? Maybe Pocahontas because she loves nature, is hopeful, loyal, and positive. I am ultra-positive; people who know me well know that's just part of my nature.

Last show you binge-watched? 'Vikings'. I love it for some reason.

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