Introducing Singer-Songwriter Aimee Isobel

Aimee Isobel
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Melbourne singer-songwriter Aimee Isobel has been lighting up stages for the past year, her mesmerising voice and magnetic charm winning over crowds wherever she goes.

Just turned 18, Aimee pairs a maturity beyond her years with an undeniable spark. Ahead of a support slot with Brendan B. Brown (yes, that Brendan of Wheatus, 'Teenage Dirtbag' fame) next week in Melbourne (Thornbury Theatre on 1 February), Aimee shares some of her influences, hopes for where her music can take her, and a fear of holes.

Who is Aimee Isobel... I'm a (just turned 18 year old) singer-songwriter. I grew up in Sydney and the Blue Mountains but have called Melbourne home for the last two years. I've been singing since I can remember, but only publicly since I was about 15. I released my first EP, 'Illicit Dreaming', in 2023 which I wrote in Year 9 at school with a friend.

I sound like... Despite a wide range of influences across decades and genres, and being a fan of everything from metal to Taylor Swift, my musical style could be considered 'melodic and ethereal'.

My first gig was... My local RSL in the Blue Mountains, NSW, when I was 15 as part of a charity event with my high school.

When did you settle on the name, and was it a unanimous decision... Aimee Isobel is my first and middle name. I've always loved my middle name and wanted to give it more appreciation I guess.

In the studio I usually... I haven't had much experience in the studio yet, but when I am in there, I like to focus and get things done whilst having fun with the craft so it gets embedded into the music.

If I could tour with anyone... Taylor Swift. No question about it; and Def Leppard, and of course Wheatus!

Social media is... Very useful as I get to connect with so many people and tell/ show them what I've been up to and what life is like. Once I get more out there with gigs and things and releasing music, hopefully it will help promote it, but there is also a downside to it as for me, I can easily get addicted and fall down rabbit holes that I find hard to get out of – so it's very tricky business.

My favourite app at the moment is... Instagram, because I love making creative content and it's fairly easy to use. Also Spotify because that's my main source of music and music is my life.

To date, my most embarrassing moment was the time... Oof, I've had many but I'm always happy to laugh at myself. I've fallen down in front of my crush once.

Life on the road can be... I haven't been 'on the road' in touring terms yet, but after I finish high school this year it will be a reality for me.

If you'll have me on your bill, all I ask is that our rider contains... Liquorice, water, moscato and a princess pillow for my dog Ruby.

The most scary scenario I've found myself in, was... I've had a few but there was a time where I had mini sleep paralysis and it was so terrifying because I couldn't move or wake myself up and there were these demonic-like creatures that kept getting closer to me and there was nothing I could do.

What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be spokesperson of the band... Paul Stanley from KISS. Because he is one of the best frontmen ever. I met him once and forgot to ask him to by my spokesperson!

If you had to live in a city abroad, where would you choose and why? New York. It seems so vibrant and bustling, and full of opportunity.

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party... Taylor Swift: because I'd have a billion questions to ask her about her craft and her musical journey (and I'd LOVE to write with her). David Bowie: because I love him so much and I'd love to ask him about his creative process and also ask him about my favourite move ever, 'Labyrinth'. Kate Bush: because she seems so cool and I'd love to write with her too.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? Nachos.

When it comes to pets are you a lover or hater of our furry friends? LOVER. I have a dog, her name is Ruby and she is everything to me.

No matter the expense, send me a case of... Vintage clothes and accessories.

The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... A month ago. I used to go to CrossFit with my dad. I'm looking forward to a regular gym routine soon.

What's the one chore you dislike the most? Loading, unloading the dishwasher.

Do you have any phobias... I am not a fan of holes – cos god knows what's in them. I love the ocean, but not the deep ocean (thalassophobia), and I have a fear of the dark. . . but I love Iron Maiden.

Would you ever partake in a reality show? Yes, probably 'The Voice'. I'm not a fan of the romantic shows like 'Married At First Sight' etc. but I would partake in one where I get to sing.

Best local takeaway joint for a midnight feed that will leave you with a food coma? A Melbourne burger and frozen yoghurt chain called Yo My Goodness ('YOMG!').

Which fictional character best describes your personality? Sarah from 'Labyrinth'. She's into dressing up and living in a fantasy world, as do I (at times).

Last show you binge-watched? 'Friends'. It's my all-time favourite show. I have watched it an unhealthy amount of times, but I'm currently binge-watching the original '21 Jump Street'.

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