Sydney-based singer, songwriter, arranger and composer Sarah Belkner comes out from behind her previous moniker, Miss Little, to release her first, studio single as herself.
Who is Sarah Belkner... I’m a singer, writer and arranger based in Sydney. I was born in Sydney but grew up in NZ and moved back here a few years ago following my instinct, and am now embarking on releasing my first single under my actual name this month! I started out as quite a nerdy, classical musician playing oboe and singing in choirs, and have been writing my own songs the whole time as well. I moved to Sydney and called myself Miss Little, but have recently dropped that moniker after an existential crisis to find truth, haha!!
I sound like... Folk-hop, chamber-pop and often get compared to Kate Bush, Bat For Lashes, Fiona Apple; amazing women who I am very happy to keep company with!
Our first gig was... The other night in my friend’s shed that we decked out with a PA, smoke machine and lights and played to our Pozible supporters! Well I feel like that was our first proper, band gig of this music. This is the first album I have made with my band from the get-go and under my own name, so it all feels very fresh and exciting right now. But yes there have definitely been many a gig prior to this one in all sorts of forms! My first gig was singing ‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow’ at my Aunty’s wedding when I was five. That was cool.
When did you settle on your stage name, and was it a unanimous decision... Yep, everyone agreed that I shouldn’t be called Miss Little anymore because that was belittling the songs. I’m also not short or a miss so you know ;)
In the studio we... Are emotional engineers, painting songs.
If I could tour with anyone it would be... Peter Gabriel, hands down. Or Radiohead.
Social media is... A strange, alternate universe to the one outside the door or just in front of our eyes when we put the phone down.
My favourite app at the moment is... Tune In Radio, because you can listen to any radio station in the world. I like listening to stations on the other side of the planet that are playing their night shows first thing in the morning or morning shows at night; it’s like you are upside down!
To date my most embarrassing moment was the time... I was working in a restaurant and one of the other waitresses was glowing and everyone was congratulating her and saying how great she looked. I asked her when she was due and to my horror she replied: “I have just had a boob reduction!” Crap.
Life on the road can be... Wonderful – getting to play to and meet people all over and not be standing in one place too long. I quite like moving about and hope to do a lot more touring as the music starts to be released. I like seeing people doing normal everyday things in other cities and countries like eating, walking the dogs, on their way to work, it’s quite a unifying observation and makes the world a bit less scary. I also haven’t done extensive touring yet so come back to me with that one after the album is released!
If you'll have me on your bill I ask is that our rider contains... Your usual alcoholic delights and some really good snacks. I also like tea and honey a lot. Has to be Manuka honey though and it’s quite pricey.
The most scary scenario I've found myself in, was... Working as a clown in supermarkets making balloon animals when I was 12.
What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be spokesperson of the band... David Bowie, because everyone seems to listen to David Bowie and anything he says is cool. Not just because he says so, it actually is cool somehow. He has hypnotisingp-persuasion capabilities, it’s the eyes.

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party... Guy Garvey from Elbow, Haruki Murakami and Annie Lennox. It could be a very strange and brilliant evening, they are all people I want to meet, so kill three birds with one stone I say.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? Cheese and wine.
No matter the expense, send me a case of... Your finest, vintage keyboards.
The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... On a family-cruise holiday last year haha! But I see the inside of the yoga studio more frequently.
What's the one chore you dislike the most? Pairing socks.