Introducing Post Punk Indie Rockers Foxlore

Foxlore are a post-punk band from Sydney.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Sydney post-punk band Foxlore recently released their newest album, 'Noisserped'.

The five-piece, who consist of Troy (vocals, guitar), Selene (vocals, bass), Serena (synthesizers), Brendan (guitar) and Chase (drums), draw inspiration from the likes of Joy Division, New Order, The Cure and a host of other post punk, shoegaze and British indie acts.

"'Noisserped', our new album is out NOW! Featuring the singles 'Be Silent', 'Fools Of Love', 'Faces In Your Head' and 'Electrified', the album is available from our Bandcamp store and digital platforms.

"'Noisserped' comes in limited edition Depression Pills vinyl and printed in a blue-foiled sleeve. Co-produced and mixed by our most humble friend, Tim Kevin, at Tempe River Studios, we are super proud of this release and hope you will enjoy it as much as we do.

"'Noisserped' is an exploration of the depths of the human experience, touching on themes of love, loss, and the struggle to find meaning in a world that often seems bleak and unforgiving. With songs that range from introspective to anthemic, 'Noisserped' is both deeply personal and universally relatable."

Who is... Foxlore is a post-punk band hailing from the deep recesses of South East Asia who made Sydney their home base.

Band members come from a diverse multicultural and musical backgrounds, the band's sound can be described as 'dark, intense, melodic tinged with ethereal soundscapes, with a knack for simple and driving songs'.

We sound like... Depeche Mode without Martin Gore intelligence, New Order post-Hooky, Joy Division who never started 'Warsaw', Interpol but not from New York, and Editors with an Asian singer.

Our first gig was... Troy: Brighton Up Bar – just me and Selene with an iPhone as our drummer. That was quite a risky and memorable gig to be honest. Brendan: Lansdowne Hotel. It was two days before they announced the Sydney COVID lockdown.

When did you settle on the group's name, and was it a unanimous decision... The band started as an all-Asian quartet, it would be a total myth if this group of Asians were ever able to bring their music to the world – the story will be passed down through generations. Folklore/Foxlore; the journey began as the band carried on with all Asian members up till today.

If we could tour with anyone... Selene: Definitely Suede! Troy: U2! No debate. A guaranteed full stadium arena with lots of Bono haters who probably wouldn't mind Foxlore who doesn't have much opinion about saving the world, LOL! Serena: Slowdive or Mojave 3 would be a dream come true.

Social media is... Troy: A hit or miss. It depends how one uses it. Me, I'm definitely a miss.

My favourite app at the moment is... Troy: YXBoZXh0d2lu. The only app that allows you to view your Aphex Twin physical collection in a very cool 3D way. Brendan: GuitarTuna. I work in a guitar store.

To date, our most embarrassing moment was the time... Troy: Me and Selene having a cigarette with Slint/ Papa M/ Zwan/ Gang of Four legend David Pajo just to find ourselves completely speechless.

Brendan: Don't have any with this band (for now) but plenty with my previous bands. From tripping onstage to playing to an empty outdoor festival etc.

Life on the road can be... Troy: Absolute fun and tiring! But hey, it's on our bucket list. Brendan: Looks fun and exciting on paper, but it's an endurance test really, from past experience.

If you'll have us on your bill, all we ask is that our rider contains... Troy: A backdrop for us to hang our newly printed flag and reservation spots for two giant sphinx statues. Brendan: pre-rolled spliffs.

The most scary scenario we've found ourselves in, was... Troy: When we first played in front of 500-600 audiences without any expectation of a turn-up. Brendan: Equipment failure, backline failed to show up.

What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be spokesperson of the band... Troy: Noel Gallagher (not Liam, sorry). Such an iconic rock & roll star, always gives outstanding speeches. Remember the story about his first time using a guitar strap? That was hilarious. Plus he never missed the F word every time.

Brendan: a mixture of Faye Wong and Jason Williamson of Sleaford Mods. I don't know, I just like it weird.

If you had to live in a city abroad, where would you choose and why? Troy: London. Gloomy dark skies, crappy weather and countless record stores, suits me perfectly. Selene: Tokyo. Lots of shopping, food and nightlife.

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party... Troy: Papa, Mama and Ernie Klump from 'The Nutty Professor', so that we can laugh and fart our ass off throughout the dinner and yet no food goes to waste.

Selene: Jack White, Donald Trump and Roger Waters. The political war begins at dinner! Brendan: Cloning three Brendans, staring at each other silently until you can cut the awkwardness with a knife, and then leave the table. It's almost like an art installation.

Serena: Slowdive's Rachel Goswell and Australian author Max Barry (sorry, just two). I'd love to meet them and hope good conversations flow.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? Cooking is very much dependent on your current mood and inspirations.

We are currently making some post-punk, sometimes shoegaze and some indie rock in the past. You'll never know what you're going to get. You can't expect coming to an Asian home and have dumplings or laksa, it could be trance or techno. Brendan: Starts rapping DoorDash tune.

When it comes to pets are you a lover or hater of our furry friends? Absolute lover! Troy wrote the song 'The Keeper' for his beloved dog after she passed away. Still aching about it. Brendan: I've got a beagle named Piper. Of course the former.

No matter the expense, send me a case of... Troy: A case full of imported Dunhill Red cigarettes from Italy that will last me a lifetime. Selene: Flight tickets and festival invitations for the band to travel the world and grace every single stage! Brendan: Your finest kush. Serena: Good books of the crime thriller genre please.

The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... Full of machines and cyborgs. Brendan: Hahaha. That's a funny one.

What's the one chore you dislike the most? Troy: Socialising. As an introvert, I never enjoyed it, often struggled to find the right words to say but hey, it is part of the package being in a band. After years of practice, I kinda do well with it but that doesn't mean I enjoy it.

Do you have any phobias... Troy: Visiting local doctors, I had pneumonia five years ago. Three GPs prescribed paracetamol, but the fourth GP, after six days, ordered a scan and diagnosed pneumonia. My kidney was weakened from the days of Panadol. No more GPs for me, LOL. Brendan: Them spiders here are huge. Like wtf.

Would you ever partake in a reality show? Troy: No and never will (fingers crossed). Brendan: A reality show where I sit and watch paint dry, yes 100 per cent.

If you could prank any of your friends, who's your target, and how are you bringing them down? Troy: I don't like to prank anyone. Who feels happy bringing others down to keep yourself up? I know someone who loves it but honestly, I don't. This is the small part of the world that I don't understand. Brendan: Is it possible to prank the whole world?

Best local takeaway joint for a midnight feed that will leave you with a food coma? Troy: Not much exciting midnight feed in Sydney (gimme a shout if you know one), best is to go home and heat up some frozen chicken schnitzel to get through the night while listening to Bill Callahan/ Smog album 'Supper'.

Which fictional character best describes your personality? Troy: Troy Dyer from 'Reality Bites', minus the charm, coolness and intelligence. Selene: Evie from 'Out Of This World'. Not so much on personality, I just want to stop time. Brendan: Stanley from 'The Office'. There's a connection that can't be denied. Serena: A combo of Monica, Rachel and Phoebe from 'Friends', I think.

Last show you binge-watched? Troy: 'Daisy Jones & The Six', completed all nine episodes in less than two days. Sex, drugs, rock & roll, betrayals, fear of parenthood, creativity struggle, pretty relevant to me being in a band except I am yet to make it big time to have such a great story to tell. It's fictional btw.

Selene: 'Peaky Blinders'. Was Nick Cave who got me into watching. Brendan: 'The Dropout'.

'Noisserped' is available.

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